
Abstract Submission and Poster Instructions
AKI & CRRT 2016 Abstract Submission Is OPEN
General Information
- The abstract must be written in English.
- Deadline: abstracts MUST BE RECEIVED no later than December 12,
- Online abstract submissions are required.
- Presenting authors must pay the registration fee and attend the meeting.
Authors of accepted abstracts are not provided with travel funds.
- All accepted abstracts will be published and distributed electronically
in the AKI&CRRT Conference Syllabus. Hardcopy syllabus booklets will be
available for purchase during the conference. Abstracts and digital posters
(if submitted) will also be published online at: CRRTonline.com
- Notification of acceptance will be mailed by January 2, 2016.
Content of the Abstract
- The body of the abstract is limited to 2500 characters (includes spaces).
- Body of abstract: purpose of the study, methods used, summary of the results
and conclusion reached.
- Author list is limited to 10.
- References and credits MUST NOT be included in the abstract.
- Simple tables may be made in the submission form - PLEASE DO NOT PASTE TABLES
- Formulas should be avoided.
- Use standard abbreviations in parentheses after the full word the first
time it appears.
- Please indicate the subject category your abstract most closely represents:
a) Epidemiology and Outcomes from AKI
b) Research in AKI (Basic, translational, clinical including clinical trials)
c) RRT Technique Characteristics
d) RRT Applications and Targeted Interventions
e) New Technology
f) RRT research
g) Nursing Issues (education, training, care delivery)
- Figure/Image uploads are restricted to .jpg or .gif files only.
- Abstracts will be published as submitted. Proof and edit your submission
Registration Awards for Fellows in Training, Nurses & Allied Professionals
Fellows in an accredited training program and Nurses/Allied Professionals who
submit a poster abstract to be presented at the AKI&CRRT Conference may
be eligible to apply for Registration for the conference. Sponsorship for the
awards is currently being sought and will be announced soon. Awards will be
based on the quality and relevance of the research as judged by the abstract
review committee. Recipients are required to be present at their poster sessions
on Tues. February 16 and Wednesday, February 17, 2016.
Please indicate on your submission form that you wish to be considered for an award.
- Many of the fields in the Abstract Form are required. Your form will not
submit until it is complete. Please press the submit button only once.
- Notification of acceptance will be mailed by January 2, 2016.
- Upon acceptance, additional information will be forthcoming regarding preparation
and presentation of your poster.
- For additional information or if you are unable to complete an online submission
RES Seminars
4425 Cass Street, Suite A
San Diego, CA 92109
Email: crrt@res-inc.com
Tel: 858-272-1018
Fax: 858-272-7687
Poster Presentations (dates and times subject to change)
There will be a poster presentation reception for all conference attendees
on Tuesday, February 16th from 6:00-7:30pm (times subject to change). All travel grant recipients are required to attend
and present their poster.
This year authors will also be REQUIRED to submit a digital
file by February 1, 2016 of their poster
for electronic display on large monitors. These montiors will be positioned
at the poster sessions and throughout the conference. Posters will be selectable
from monitor menus. More information regarding the submission of digital files
will be provided to authors of selected abstracts. PLEASE NOTE: Digital
file submission is IN ADDITION TO your required hard copy poster print.
The template file available for download is a sample for your use, other styles
are acceptable.
Oral Poster Presentations (schedule to be determined)
A limited number of abstract authors will be invited to prepare short 4 minute Oral
Presentations of key points in their study with no more than 5 power point slides (maximum).
Presentations should include aims, methods, results and summary. Presenters will be given
an additional 2 minutes afterward for discussion. Slides should be hand delivered on a
flash drive to the Speaker Ready Room (location to be determined) 2 hours before your
presentation (schedules to be determined and distributed).
Download Digital Poster Template
Poster Instructions for Accepted Abstracts
- Poster dimensions are 30 inches wide x 40 inches tall.
Prepare your poster accordingly. Poster foamcore boards will be distributed
at conference site. Bring scotch tape or pushpins to attach your poster
to the foam board.
Download Poster Sample
- Poster abstracts must be presented by the primary author.
- Posters must be set up 1/2 hour in advance of Poster Session. The presenter
is responsible for assembling your poster board and removing the poster. CRRT
Conference is not responsible for posters and materials left after session.
- Digital Posters will be displayed on monitors during the
poster sessions and throughout the conference. Digital posters will be programmed
to be selectable from monitor menus. The template file available for download
is a sample for your use, other styles are acceptable, but please maintain
the format size/ratio of 30widex40tall(3x4). If possible, please convert your ppt file
(or other) to pdf prior to sending via email. Further instructions will be
sent with your abstract acceptance notification.
Download Digital Poster Template
- Digital Posters submitted by February 1, 2016
Digital Posters will be on display throughout the conference and may also
be published online at crrtonline.com. The Copyright Release acknowledgment
required during the abstract submission process applies to both your submitted
abstract and your digital poster file submission.
• If possible, please convert your ppt file (or other) to pdf prior to sending.
• Please email Digital Poster files under 10 MB to: jim@res-inc.com
• Files 10MB and over should be uploaded via ftp at: http://juxtamedia.com/upload_form.html
• File names must include your Abstract ID Number and Lead Author Name only.
- Required Hardcopy Poster dimensions are below.
