AKI & CRRT 2024 Conference
Program with Presenter Slides

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AKI & CRRT 2024 Program

7:55-5:30 PW1 Pre-Conference Critical Care Nephrology Symposium
Innovations in Acute Kidney Injury and Extracorporeal Organ Support
Critical Care Nephrology Symposium
PLENARY 1 The Discovery Pipeline: Molecules, Mechanisms and Targets
   Co-chair: Prabhleen Singh, MD
   Co-chair: Alex Zarbock, MD
7:55-8:00 Opening Remarks
Ravindra L. Mehta, MBBS, MD, DM, FACP
8:00-8:20 Developing a Precision Approach to Sepsis and Sepsis-Associated AKI
Robert Star, MD
8:20-8:40 Molecular Endotypes of Sepsis and AKI
John A. Kellum, MD   Slides
8:40-9:00 Tubular Transporters: Targets for AKI?
Volker Vallon, MD
9:00-9:20 Sex as a Biological Variable for AKI
Danielle Soranno, MD
9:20-9:40 Role of the CD40-Ligand Pathway in Tissue Injury of Native and Transplanted Kidney
Vincenzo Cantaluppi, MD
9:40-10:00 Discussion
10:00-10:15 Coffee Break
10:15-10:35 Critical Care Nephrology Symposium
PLENARY 2 Bench to Bedside: Translating Discoveries to Clinical Care
   Co-chair: Vincenzo Cantaluppi, MD
   Co-chair: Danielle Soranno, MD
10:15-10:35 The Biphasic Effect of Angiotensin II on AKI
Luis Juncos, MD
10:35-10:55 Mitophagy as a Therapeutic Target in AKI
John Prowle, MA, MD, FFICM, FRCP
10:55-11:15 Complementary Role of Kidney Biomarkers and Transcriptomic Endotyping in Sepsis Associated AKI
Christian Nusshag, MD
11:15-11:35 Kidney Microphysiological Models for Nephrotoxicity Assessment
SeJoong Kim, Professor
11:35-11:55 Human Kidney Precision Medicine Project (KPMP)
Jonathan Himmelfarb, Professor of Medicin
11:55-12:15 Discussion
12:15-1:15 Lunch Hosted by Conference for Critical Care Symposium Participants
1:15-1:35 Critical Care Nephrology Symposium
PLENARY 3 Emerging Strategies for AKI Studies
   Co-chair: Matthieu LeGrand, MD, PhD
   Co-chair: Kathleen Liu, MD, PhD, MAS
1:15-1:35 Dynamic Kidney Function Monitoring
Stuart L. Goldstein, MD
1:35-1:55 Theranostics: Biomarker Guided Interventions
Alex Zarbock, MD
1:55-2:15 Predictive Analytics and Simulations for Trial Design and Implementation
Andrew D. Shaw, MB, FRCA, FRCPC
2:15-2:35 Platform Trials for AKI: What Would it Take?
Derek Angus, Dr.
2:35-2:55 Surrogate Endpoints for Regulatory Approval: What?s Needed?
Bhupinder Singh, MD
2:55-3:15 Discussion
3:15-3:30 Coffee Break
3:30-3:50 Critical Care Nephrology Symposium
PLENARY 4 Evolving Paradigms: Lessons from Ongoing Trials
   Co-chair: Marlies Ostermann, PhD
   Co-chair: Ron Wald, MD
3:30-3:50 One Size Does Not Fit All: The Role of Phenotyping
Jean-Louis Vincent, MD PhD
3:50-4:10 Reappraising MAKE Performance in AKI Trials: What do We Know?
Ravindra L. Mehta, MBBS, MD, DM, FACP
4:10-4:30 Heterogeneity of Treatment Effect
Derek Angus, Dr.
4:30-4:50 Overcoming Barriers in the Design and Implementation of Clinical Trials for AKI
Matthieu LeGrand, MD, PhD
4:50-5:10 Implementing Device Trials: What does it Require?
John A. Kellum, MD   Slides
5:10-5:30 Discussion
5:30pm Critical Care Nephrology Symposium Adjourns
\ POCUS Workshop
Point of Care Ultrasound (POCUS): Science and Practice
William Beaubien-Souligny, Dr
Jean Deschamps, Dr
Kianoush Kashani, MD, MS
Vandana Niyyar, Dr.
Andrew D. Shaw, MB, FRCA, FRCPC
Ron Wald, MD
5:30-7:30pm Reception and Poster Review
For All Conference Attendees
Dana Fuhrman, DO, MS
Stuart L. Goldstein, MD
Luis Juncos, MD
SeJoong Kim, Professor
Neesh Pannu, MD
Fuhrman (Moderator)
Juncos and Kim (Moderators)
Pannu and Goldstein (Moderators)

Wednesday Morning, March 13

7:00am Conference Registration Open
7:00-8:00 Meet the Experts (elective event)
How do I Manage the Patient with Septic AKI
Derek Angus, Dr.
Jean-Louis Vincent, MD PhD
How do I Dose Volume During CRRT?
Claudio Ronco, MD
Ashita Tolwani, MD
  Morning Symposia
7:00-8:00 Morning Symposium A - Plasma Exchange in Critically Ill Patients: Who, When and How
Ian Baldwin, RN, PhD, FACCCN
Akash Deep, Professor
Dana Fuhrman, DO, MS   Slides
Vedran Premuzic, M.D., Ph.D.
CME Available
Plasma exchange (PE) is increasingly utilized in the ICU with CRRT and other extracorporeal techniques. This symposium will describe the best approaches for applying PE in critically ill patients and explore merging opportunities for managing patients with hybrid therapies.
Akash Deep and Ian Baldwin (Moderator)
Vedran Premuzic and Dana Fuhrman (Discussants)   Slides
7:00-8:00 Morning Symposium B - Deresuscitation in the ICU: How to use Diuretics, Ultrafiltration and Dialysis
Katja Gist, DO, MSc
Amir Kazory, MD, FASN, FACC   Slides
Matthieu LeGrand, MD, PhD
Patrick T. Murray, MD
Raghavan Murugan, MD, MS, FRCP
CME Available
There is increasing evidence that different patient respond differently to fluids and vasopressor management for shock. This symposium will discuss how best we may identify phenotypes to personalize fluid type (colloids and crystalloids and blood products) and volume and vasopressor management in shock patients to improve outcomes.
Kat Gist and Matthew Legrand (Moderators)
Patrick Murray, Amir Kazory and Raghavan Murugan (Discussants)
Diuretic Strategies in Patients Who are Resistant to Loop Diuretics - Patrick Murray
Ultrafiltration and Diuretic Therapy in Acute Heart Failure - Amir Kazory   Slides
Fluid Removal with CRRT: How Much and How Fast? - Raghavan Murugan
7:00-8:00 S1. Optional Industry Breakfast Session (Non-CME)


8:20-8:30 Plenary 1 MINI-SYMPOSIA
Organ Dysfunction in the Critically Ill Patient: Emerging Concepts
   Co-chair: Michael Joannidis, Professor, MD
   Co-chair: Neesh Pannu, MD
8:20-8:30 Opening Remarks
Ravindra L. Mehta, MBBS, MD, DM, FACP
8:30-8:45 Hidden in Plain Sight; Chloride in Acute Heart Failure
Amir Kazory, MD, FASN, FACC   Slides
8:45-9:00 What's New in Organ Crosstalk
Kathleen Liu, MD, PhD, MAS
9:00-9:15 Sepsis in 2024: What's Next?
Derek Angus, Dr.
9:15-9:30 Trajectories of Critical Illness - Defining Endotypes from Routine Data
John Prowle, MA, MD, FFICM, FRCP
9:30-9:45 Early Multi-modal Vasopressors in Critical Care - Is That a Thing?
9:45-10:00 The Forgotten (Right) Ventricle in Critical Care Medicine
Andrew D. Shaw, MB, FRCA, FRCPC
Greening Critical Care: Can We Do It?
Derek Angus, Dr.
Marlies Ostermann, PhD
Claudio Ronco, MD
Jean-Louis Vincent, MD PhD
Yes: Jean-Louis Vincent
Maybe: Marlies Ostermann
No: Derek Angus
Moderator: Claudio Ronco
10:30-11:00 Coffee Break and Faculty Picture
Open to all participants and applicable to physicians, nurses and allied personnel.
Workshop Codes: C= Core workshop, I = Intermediate, A = Advanced, N= Nurses, AP = of interest to nurses and allied personnel
Workshops presented in a series are marked with a "1" for a primary workshop discussion in this area and "2" for a more complex or advanced discussion in this area. Please note that the series workshops 1 and 2 can be either taken subsequently (following each other) or they can each be taken independently (e.g. workshop 1 can be taken without taking workshop 2 and vice versa).
11:00-12:30 Standard Workshop Group 1
11:00-12:30 A01 Enhancing Communication in the Workplace: Conversations in Clinical Encounters
John-Michael Maury
Gita Mehta, MD   Slides
Marlies Ostermann, PhD
This experiential workshop is designed to support patient care by promoting curiosity, listening and perspective taking skills and will include ways to achieve competence in responding mindfully to stressful and demanding situations in patient encounters. Along with brief interactive didactics, we will use medical improv, reflective and experiential exercises to enhance skills for patient interactions.
11:00-12:30 B02 Citrate Anticoagulation for CRRT: How to Use it?
Michael Joannidis, Professor, MD
Zaccaria Ricci, MD
Ashita Tolwani, MD
Regional citrate anticoagulation (RCA) is increasingly utilized for CRRT. Advances in technology have enabled automated citrate anticoagulation. However, concerns remain about its ease of use and application in patients with liver failure and reduced tissue perfusion. This workshop will discuss the best approaches for utilizing RCA for CRRT.
11:00-12:30 C03 Focus on POCUS: Assessment of Fluid Responsiveness, Hemodynamic Monitoring and Targets
William Beaubien-Souligny, Dr
Jean Deschamps, Dr
Dana Fuhrman, DO, MS   Slides
Determining which patient needs fluids, what type, when and how much will be addressed in this workshop which will cover the principles and strategies for volume assessment with point of care ultrasound and hemodynamic monitoring in critically ill patients.
11:00-12:30 D04 Managing Patients with Combined Kidney and Liver Failure
Akash Deep, Professor
Luis Juncos, MD
Mitra Nadim, MD, FASN
Patients with combined liver and kidney failure are difficult to manage. This workshop will discuss the pathophysiology and illustrate best approaches for differential diagnosis and management of these patients.
12:30-2:00 Lunch Symposia Hosted by Conference (RSVP Required)
Selection made during registration - Non-CME
12:30-2:00 Lunch Symposia
12:30-2:00 W1 Lost in Translation: Communication issues in Critical Care
Sean Bagshaw, MD, MSc
Rajit Basu, MD MS FCCM
Jorge Cerda, MD, MS, FACP, FASN,
Dana Fuhrman, DO, MS
Gita Mehta, MD
Despite our best intentions, conversations with caregivers and patients and their surrogates often don?t go as planned. Strategies for effective communication need to recognize complexities to how families will perceive their interactions with the healthcare team. This symposium will review the evidence for approaches to improve communication when patients are often incapacitated, emotions run high and our unconscious bias is in play. Non-CME
Moderators: Jorge Cerda and Raj Basu
Navigating Conflict or Mis-alignment of Expectations - Sean Bagshaw
Difficult Decisions with Family and Caregivers - Dana Fuhrman
The Case for Compassion - Gita Mehta
12:30-2:00 W2 Persistent Renal Vulnerability after AKI Recovery: Do Biomarkers Have a Role?
Jay Koyner, MD
Patrick T. Murray, MD
Christian Nusshag, MD
John Prowle, MA, MD, FFICM, FRCP
Michael Zappitelli, MD, MSc
Current paradigms of kidney functional recovery from AKI are based on alterations in serum creatinine and urine output and are often dissociated with the underlying structural damage that may persist and increase the subclinical predisposition to new renal damage and subsequent progression to CKD. The availability of several biomarkers of kidney function and damage provides new approaches to evaluate patients post AKI and target appropriate interventions. This symposium will discuss the role of biomarkers post AKI to enhance patient management. Non-CME
Moderators: Patrick Murray and Michael Zappitelli
Assessment of Kidney Function During and After AKI - John Prowle
Marrying the FST and Damage Markers to Assess Subclinical AKD - Jay Koyner
Role of Penenkephalin in Assessing Recovery from AKI and AKI-D - Christian Nusshag
12:30-2:00 I1 Optional Industry Lunch Session (Non-CME)
12:30-2:00 I2 Optional Industry Lunch Session (Non-CME)

Wednesday, Afternoon, March 13

2:00-3:30 Standard Workshop Group 2
2:00-3:30 A05 Enhancing Communication in the Workplace: Addressing Conflict and Uncertainty
Rajit Basu, MD MS FCCM
Dana Fuhrman, DO, MS
Kianoush Kashani, MD, MS
Gita Mehta, MD
This workshop will share evidence-based communication tools useful in situations of conflict and decisional uncertainty. We will use clinical scenarios with role-plays to highlight challenges in decisional conversations with patients of diverse ages, cultures, and socio-economic status, and especially on situations of conflict with patients and families regarding treatment.
2:00-3:30 B06 Precision Solute Control and Dynamic Dosing with CRRT?
Rolando Claure-Del Granado, MD, FASN, FISN   Slides
Manish Kaushik, MD
John Prowle, MA, MD, FFICM, FRCP
CRRT techniques have evolved with availability of new technology to customize dialysis delivery. This interactive case based workshop will discuss how to apply the technology for dose adjustments, monitoring for adequacy, modality selection and transitions in CRRT.
2:00-3:30 C07 Starting, Transitioning and Stopping RRT for AKI: Science and Art
Sean Bagshaw, MD, MSc
Nuttha Lumlertgul, MD, PhD
Ravindra L. Mehta, MBBS, MD, DM, FACP
One of the most vexing issues for clinicians is determining when to initiate RRT in critically ill patients, when and how to transition modalities and when it can be stopped. This workshop will use case studies to explore various approaches and establish the principles for clinical decisions for renal support.
2:00-3:30 D08 Managing patients with Sepsis: Modifying the Course with (ECOS)
Vincenzo Cantaluppi, MD
Peter Pickkers, MD, PhD
Thiago Reis, MD
Septic patients often require ECOS to allow time for recovery. This workshop covers the rationale and strategies for the practical application of extracorporeal support techniques for sepsis. Case studies will be utilized to delineate different options.
3:30-4:00 Coffee Break
4:00-4:15 Plenary 2 MINI-SYMPOSIA
Acute Kidney Injury (AKI): Pathophysiology
   Co-chair: Samira Bell, MBChB, FRCP, MD
   Co-chair: Luis Juncos, MD
4:00-4:15 AKI in the Neurocritical Unit
Zaccaria Ricci, MD
4:15-4:30 AKI After Burn injury
Matthieu LeGrand, MD, PhD
4:30-4:45 AKI in Renal and Non-renal Solid Organ Transplantation
Vincenzo Cantaluppi, MD
4:45-5:00 AKI in the Context of Invasive Management of Heart Disease
Matthew James, Dr
5:00-5:15 Arterial and Venous Blood Pressure in Cardiac Surgery Associated AKI
Andrew D. Shaw, MB, FRCA, FRCPC
5:15-5:30 Kidney-Ventilator Interactions and Kidney Protective Ventilation
Sean Bagshaw, MD, MSc
5:30-5:45 ADQI 29: AKI in Liver Cirrhosis
Akash Deep, Professor
Mitra Nadim, MD, FASN
5:45-6:00 ADQI 30: Adsorption-based Extracorporeal Therapies
Thiago Reis, MD
Claudio Ronco, MD
6:00 Adjourn
6:00-8:00 Exhibit Reception and Poster Session
Emmanuel Burdmann, MD, PhD
Michael Connor, MD
Lui Forni, MD PhD JFICMI
Kathleen Liu, MD, PhD, MAS
Etienne Macedo, MD, PhD, FASN
Mitchell H. Rosner, MD
Forni and Macedo (Moderators)
Connor and Liu (Moderators)
Rosner and Burdmann (Moderators)

Thursday, Morning, March 14

7:00am-4:30pm Registration Open
7:00-8:00 Coffee Served
7:00-8:00 Meet the Experts
How I Use AKI Biomarkers in My Practice
Stuart L. Goldstein, MD
Alex Zarbock, MD
How do I Manage the Oliguric Patient?
Jean-Louis Vincent, MD PhD
  Morning Symposia
7:00-8:00 Morning Symposium C. Optimization of the CRRT Program to Improve Outcomes
Ian Baldwin, RN, PhD, FACCCN
Manish Kaushik, MD
Oleksa Rewa, MD MSc   Slides
David Selewski, MD
Ashita Tolwani, MD
CME Available
Ashita Tolwani (Moderator)
Although RRT is commonly applies worldwide there are minimal established criteria for monitoring the quality of care delivered. This symposium will describe the characteristics of top-tier CRRT programs and describe strategies and tools to develop Quality Improvement merging data from CRRT devices and clinical information. The importance of policies, procedures, and dashboards will be discussed.
Establishing Quality Metrics for RRT: Do We Need the EMR? - Kaushik
Team Based Management of CRRT: It Takes a Village - Baldwin
Harnessing Multimodal Data Streams to Improve CRRT Delivery - Rewa   Slides
7:00-8:00 Morning Symposium D. Onco Nephrology: Practical Considerations in Managing AKI in Patients with Cancer
Linda Awdishu, PharmD, MAS
Patrick T. Murray, MD
Marlies Ostermann, PhD
Mitchell H. Rosner, MD
Michael Zappitelli, MD, MSc
CME Available
Patrick Murray and Michael Zapitelli (Moderators)
The number of anticancer drugs are increasingly expanding and commonly cause kidney injury. This symposium will discuss how to prevent drug nephrotoxicity, doses of anticancer medicines and manage patients who develop AKI in the setting cancer therapy.
Spectrum of Kidney Disorders with Anticancer Drugs - Mitch Rosner
AKI in Setting of Checkpoint Inhibitors - Marlies Ostermann
Monitoring for Drug Nephrotoxicty - Linda Awdishu
8:15-9:45 Standard Workshop Group 3
8:15-9:45 A09 Pediatric AKI and RRT: Beyond the Basics
Katie Plomaritas, BSN, RN
Zaccaria Ricci, MD
Michael Zappitelli, MD, MSc
This workshop will highlight the epidemiology and best practices for AKI management and CRRT, peritoneal dialysis and tandem therapies application in neonates and children.
8:15-9:45 B10 Personalized Fluid Management with CRRT
Ravindra L. Mehta, MBBS, MD, DM, FACP
Raghavan Murugan, MD, MS, FRCP
Javier Neyra, MD, MS
Achieving fluid balance and maintaining plasma composition is key for effective CRRT. This workshop will use case studies to discuss strategies for fluid management in CRRT to achieve patient driven outcomes for fluid, electrolyte and acid base balance.
8:15-9:45 C11 Improving Care for Patients After Hospitalization for AKI
Jorge Cerda, MD, MS, FACP, FASN,
Matthew James, Dr
Nuttha Lumlertgul, MD, PhD
AKI is a complex disease that requires multidisciplinary interventions however most patients who are hospitalized with an episode of AKI do not have systematic follow up or targeted interventions to improve recovery and mitigate the effects of the disease. This workshop will provide guidance on patient centered approaches to improve the management and outcomes of patients with AKI.
8:15-9:45 D12 Managing the Heart Failure Patient with Worsening Renal Function (WRF)
Rajasekara Chakravarthi, MD, DNB (Nephrology)
Amir Kazory, MD, FASN, FACC   Slides
Claudio Ronco, MD
Patients with advanced heart failure often develop WRF. It is often difficult to determine which patients can be managed with drug therapy vs requiring RRT. This workshop will describe the practical application and results of different methods to treat heart failure and cardio-renal syndrome including ultrafiltration techniques.
9:45-10:15 Coffee Break


10:15-10:30 Plenary 3 MINI-SYMPOSIA
Challenges in ICU Management
   Co-chair: Matthieu LeGrand, MD, PhD
   Co-chair: Marlies Ostermann, PhD
10:15-10:30 From Fluid Responsiveness to Fluid Overload: Identifying Fluid Intolerance
William Beaubien-Souligny, Dr
10:30-10:45 RAAS Biomarkers and Emerging Evidence in Critical Care
10:45-11:00 Health Disparities in the ICU: What Are the Next Steps?
Amira Mohamed, MD
Marlies Ostermann, PhD
11:00-11:15 Learning Health Systems: Do They Exist and Can They Work?
Derek Angus, Dr.
11:15-11:30 Don't You Forget About Me: Non-ATN Causes of AKI in the ICU
Mitchell H. Rosner, MD
11:30-11:45 Vascular Access for AKI: Tunneled or non-Tunneled?
Vandana Niyyar, Dr.
Jeff Gray Memorial Lecture
Translating to Management Award
12:15-12:30 Top Abstract Awards
12:30-2:00 Lunch Symposia Hosted by Conference (RSVP Required)
Selection made during registration, Non-CME
Lunch Symposia
12:30-2:00 Lunch Symposium T1 Social Determinants of Health (SDoH) and AKI
Samira Bell, MBChB, FRCP, MD
Rolando Claure-Del Granado, MD, FASN, FISN
Etienne Macedo, MD, PhD, FASN
Mignon McCulloch
Amira Mohamed, MD
Despite advances in medical care, racial, ethnic and socioeconomic disparities persist for patients and are increasingly recognized to influence health outcomes. Factors contributing to health disparities are complex and multifactorial and are not well described for patients with AKI. This symposium will discuss the current understanding of the effects of SDoH on the incidence, recognition, management and follow up of patients with AKI and describe approaches for mitigating these factors to improve patient care and outcomes.
Moderators: Mohamed and Claure-Del Granado
Inequalities in Healthcare and Effects on Kidney Disease - Bell
Health disparities in Pediatric AKI - McCullouh
Utilizing Technology to Tackle SDoH - Neyra
12:30-2:00 Lunch Symposium T2 Seatbelt for the Kidney: Primary Prevention in Different Settings
Patrick T. Murray, MD
Neesh Pannu, MD
Ron Wald, MD
Vincent Wu, MD, PhD
Alex Zarbock, MD
Although the kidney is remarkably efficient in maintaining homeostasis, it relies on a delicate balance between energy demand and oxygen supply, which varies considerably in different regions of the kidney. Available data indicate that different AKI-inducing events cause anatomically distinct patterns of injury, which are relevant for the refinement of available therapies and the development of novel renoprotective strategies. This symposium will discuss the rationale for and results of novel strategies to protect the kidney in different settings.
Moderators: Wu and Wald
Drug-induced Kidney Injury - Murray
Contrast Associated Imaging - Pannu
Cardiac Surgery - Zarbock
12:30-2:00 I3 Optional Industry Lunch Session (Non-CME)
12:30-2:00 I4 Optional Industry Lunch Session (Non-CME)


2:00-2:15 Plenary 4 MINI SYMPOSIA
Novel Strategies in AKI Management
   Co-chair: Patrick T. Murray, MD
   Co-chair: Danielle Soranno, MD
2:00-2:15 Bicarbonate Therapy for AKI. Yes or No?
Lui Forni, MD PhD JFICMI
2:15-2:30 Application for AKI Early Detection and Prediction Models in Clinical Practice
SeJoong Kim, Professor
2:30-2:45 Target Blood Pressure to Prevent AKI: Higher or Normotension?
Nattachai Srisawat, MD, PhD
2:45-3:00 The Aging Kidney: An Old Age Problem
Michael Joannidis, Professor, MD
3:00-3:15 Clinical Decision Support for AKI: Are We There Yet?
Neesh Pannu, MD
3:15-3:30 Urinary Microscopy to Identify Subclinical AKI
Rolando Claure-Del Granado, MD, FASN, FISN   Slides
3:30-3:45 Waste Not Want Not: The Case for Acute Dialysis
Ravindra L. Mehta, MBBS, MD, DM, FACP
3:45-4:15 Coffee Break
4:15-4:30 Plenary 5 MINI SYMPOSIA
Challenges and Controversies in Renal Support and CRRT
   Co-chair: Michael Connor, MD
   Co-chair: Katja Gist, DO, MSc
4:15-4:30 To dialyze or Not: That is the Question?
Mitra Nadim, MD, FASN
4:30-4:45 Dynamic Phenotyping for Dialysis Delivery in the ICU
Ravindra L. Mehta, MBBS, MD, DM, FACP
4:45-5:00 Leveraging Personal Health Platforms for AKI Followup
Rajit Basu, MD MS FCCM
5:00-5:15 Dialysis in AKI: When is a Good Thing Bad?
Kathleen Liu, MD, PhD, MAS
5:15-5:30 Albumin and Clinical Outcomes in AKI and CRRT
Kianoush Kashani, MD, MS
5:30-5:45 ADQI 31: Endpoints for AKI Trials
Lui Forni, MD PhD JFICMI
Alex Zarbock, MD
5:45-6:00 ADQI 32: Role of Sex and Gender in AKI (SexXY ADQI)
Marlies Ostermann, PhD
Danielle Soranno, MD
6:00 Adjourn
Free Evening

Friday Morning, March 15

7:00am-1:00pm Conference Registration Open
7:30-8:00 Coffee Served
7:00-8:00 Meet the Experts
Deciding who Needs to Start and Stop RRT
Marlies Ostermann, PhD
Ron Wald, MD
How do I Assess the Volume Status of My Patient?
Kianoush Kashani, MD, MS
Peter Pickkers, MD, PhD
7:00-8:00 Morning Symposia
7:00-8:00 Morning Symposium E - Innovations in Caring for Patients with Electrolyte and Acid Base Problems
Nuttha Lumlertgul, MD, PhD
Lenar Yessayan, MD, MS   Slides
Etienne Macedo (Moderator)
Yessayan and Lumertgul (Discussants)   Slides
Dysnatremias are commonly encountered in ICU patients and are often difficult to manage. This symposium will cover the pathophysiology of hypo and hypernatremia and discuss the practical issues for management of these disorders with novel agents and describe how RRT can be used for severe disorders.
7:00-8:00 Morning Symposium F - Optimizing Fluid Management in the ICU: Fit for Purpose?
Michael Connor, MD
Andrew D. Shaw, MB, FRCA, FRCPC
Connor (Moderator)
Shaw and Khanna (Discussants)
Fluid administration is an integral component of management, however there is considerable variation in the type and quantity of fluids used and increasing concern that fluid therapy contributes to AKI. This symposium will review the evidence for our current strategy for using crystalloids, colloids and blood products and provide guidance on best practices to manage patients in different settings.


8:00-8:15 Plenary 6 MINI SYMPOSIA
Global Burden of AKI
   Co-chair: Etienne Macedo, MD, PhD, FASN
   Co-chair: Nattachai Srisawat, MD, PhD
8:00-8:15 Personalization and Standardization of RRT in the ICU: Lessons from Pediatrics
David Askenazi, MD, MSPH
8:15-8:30 Education in AKI: What's Needed?
Jorge Cerda, MD, MS, FACP, FASN,
8:30-8:45 Long-COVID Manifesting as Kidney Disease
Emmanuel Burdmann, MD, PhD
8:45-9:00 Quality of Life Post AKI
Marlies Ostermann, PhD
9:00-9:15 Nephrology Consultation in the ICU: Who Benefits?
Harin Rhee, MD., PhD.
9:15-9:30 What Outcomes Matter to Patients and Their Relatives?
Sean Bagshaw, MD, MSc
9:30-9:45 Does Treating AKI in Low Resourced Regions Matter?
Mignon McCulloch
9:45-10:00 Variation in Pediatric CKRT Practices Across the Globe
Akash Deep, Professor
10:00-10:15 CRRT Net Initiative: Lessons Learned and Applied
Javier Neyra, MD, MS
10:15-10:30 ADQI 33: Obstetric AKI
Rajasekara Chakravarthi, MD, DNB (Nephrology)
10:30-11:00 Coffee Break

11:00-11:15 Plenary 7 MINI SYMPOSIA
Emerging Strategies in AKI and Extracorporeal Support
   Co-chair: Jorge Cerda, MD, MS, FACP, FASN,
   Co-chair: Vincent Wu, MD, PhD
11:00-11:15 Transitions from CRRT to IRRT: Strategies for Success
Ron Wald, MD
11:15-11:30 Reassessing AKD Care and Outcomes: Time to Abandon Conventional Beliefs
Vincent Wu, MD, PhD
11:30-12:30 Update from Ongoing and Late Breaking Trials
(8-10 minutes each)
Vincenzo Cantaluppi, MD
Katja Gist, DO, MSc
Jay Koyner, MD
Raghavan Murugan, MD, MS, FRCP
Javier Neyra, MD, MS
Christian Nusshag, MD
Vedran Premuzic, M.D., Ph.D.
Oleksa Rewa, MD MSc
1. The RELIEVE-AKI Trial - Murugan
2. The RECOVER AKI Trial - Neyra
3. Dialyzing Wisely Trial - Rewa
4. The HERRIC Registry - Premuzic
5. The RELAX Trial - Nusshag
6. WE-ROCK, the Pediatric RRT Collaborative - Gist
7. The DIAMOND Study - Koyner
8. The SIN-AKI Study - Cantaluppi
12:30-12:55 Critical Care Nephrology: Literature Review
Kianoush Kashani, MD, MS
12:55-1:00 Closing Remarks
Ravindra L. Mehta, MBBS, MD, DM, FACP
1:00 Conference Adjourns