The Aging Kidney: An Old Age Problem
Michael Joannidis, MD
Innsbruck, AUSTRIA
The Aging Kidney: An Old Age Problem
Michael Joannidis, MD
Innsbruck, AUSTRIA
Anunciando!… la 30.ª Conferencia Internacional Anual: AKI & CRRT (LRA/IRA y TRRC) 2025 del 3 de Marzo a 6 de Marzo 2025. En San Diego, California.
ADQI 29: AKI in Liver Cirrhosis
Mitra Nadim, MD and Akash Deep, MD
Claudio Ronco, Vicenza
La fuente experta de investigación y práctica para nefrólogos, cardiólogos y médicos de cuidados intensivos
Critical Care Nephrology and Renal Replacement Therapy in Children (Nefrología de cuidados intensivos y terapia de reemplazo renal en niños)
Expertos de renombre mundial de instituciones líderes comparten su vasta experiencia en el campo de la nefrología pediátrica de cuidados intensivos.
Stuart Goldstein y Akash Deep (Editores)
Disponible ahora
Kidney Education Foundation
Free Access to 200-paged «Save Your Kidneys» Books for Kidney Patients in 40 Languages prepared by a Global Team of 100+ Nephrologists.
Early Multi-modal Vasopressors in Critical Care – Is That a Thing?
Ashish Khanna, MD
From Fluid Responsiveness to Fluid Overload: Identifying Fluid Intolerance
William Beaubien-Souligny, MD
Learning Health Systems: Do They Exist and Can They Work?
Derek Angus, MD
Acute Dialysis Survey
Please take a few minutes to take this brief survey on acute dialysis in the ICU setting. This will help us understand practice variations and identify opportunities to improve care for our patients.
¡Gracias por participar!
Haz la encuesta o escanear:
Diagnosing Acute Tubulointerstitial Nephritis: Where Does F18-FDG PET-CT Stand?
ATIN occurs in approximately 15% of patients who are hospitalized with acute kidney injury (AKI).
December 9, 2024
Possible AKI-Inducing Drugs Include Some New Candidates
A drug-wide association study identified 16 medications associated with acute kidney injury (AKI), including some unlikely candidates.
November 27, 2024
Bone Fracture Risk Higher Following Acute Kidney Injury
An AKI episode is an independent risk factor for future bone fractures and warrants monitoring.
November 27, 2024
Renal angina indices may help predict AKI risk among patients in ICU
Researchers aimed to outline the predictive ability of renal angina indices, as well as urinary biomarker incorporation.
November 6, 2024
Kidney Week 2024
October 24 – October 27, 2024
San Diego, California
ESICM – 37th Annual Congress
October 5 – October 9, 2024
Barcelona, Spain
ISN – The World Congress of Nephrology
February 6 – February 9, 2025
New Delhi, India
AKI & CRRT 2025
March 3 – March 6, 2025
Manchester Grand Hyatt
San Diego, California
ASPN Annual Meeting at PAS
April 24 – April 28, 2025
Honolulu, Hawaii
43rd Vicenza Course AKI-CRRT-ECOS
June 24 – June 26, 2025
Vicenza, Italy
AKI & CRRT 2026
March 26 – April 1, 2026
Manchester Grand Hyatt
San Diego, California
Have you listened to KDIGO Conversations in Nephrology, a new podcast designed to support clinicians treating patients with kidney disease? The podcast is now available on the KDIGO Website, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and will soon be available on additional platforms. The first three episodes of KDIGO Conversations in Nephrology are hosted by Dr. Ravi Mehta (United States) and focus on acute kidney injury (AKI).
La Conferencia de AKI & CRRT (LRI/IRA y TRRC) proporcionará una vez más una cobertura completa del campo en rápido desarrollo de la nefrología de cuidados intensivos y CRRT (TRRC). Destacará los avances recientes en nuestra comprensión de la fisiopatología de enfermedades críticas, lesiones renales agudas, estrategias emergentes en el manejo de sepsis, insuficiencia multiorgánica, desarrollo y uso de biomarcadores, avances técnicos en CRRT (TRRC) y el uso adecuado de estas técnicas. Nuestro programa presenta nuevos y emocionantes desarrollos y evidencia para evaluar a pacientes críticamente enfermos, fisiopatología de la disfunción hepática y AKI (LRA/IRA) utilizando una mezcla de conferencias invitadas, talleres interactivos, tutoriales, sesiones de afiches y mesas redondas.