Target Blood Pressure to Prevent AKI: Higher or Normotension?
Nattachai Srisawat, MD
Clinical Decision Support for AKI: Are We There Yet?
Neesh Pannu, MD
Critical Care Nephrology: Literature Review
Kianoush Kashani, MD
Early Multi-modal Vasopressors in Critical Care – Is That a Thing?
Ashish Khanna, MD
From Fluid Responsiveness to Fluid Overload: Identifying Fluid Intolerance
William Beaubien-Souligny, MD
Learning Health Systems: Do They Exist and Can They Work?
Derek Angus, MD
AKI After Burn injury
Matthieu Legrand, MD
AKI in the Context of Invasive Management of Heart Disease
Matthew James, MD
Education in AKI: What’s Needed?
Jorge Cerda, MD
Trajectories of Critical Illness – Defining Endotypes from Routine Data
John Prowle, MD
Vascular Access for AKI: Tunneled or non-Tunneled?
Vandana Niyyar, MD
To Dialyze or Not- That is the Question?
Mitra Nadim, MD
Update on Renal Imaging and Applications in AKI
Nick Selby, MD
Risk of AKI After Cardiac Surgery: A Personalized Approach
Andrew Shaw, MD
Managing AKI in Patients with Advanced CKD
Ron Wald, MD
Micronutrient Deficiency: Cause for Concern?
Nuttha Lumertgul, MD
Bicarbonate: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Lui Forni, MD
Integrated Hemodynamic Assessment and Management in the ICU
Andrew Shaw, MD
Muscle Wasting During Critical Illness
John Prowle, MD
Hepato Renal Syndrome or Hepato CardioRenal Syndrome
Amir Kazory, MD
Artificial Intelligence and Big Data for Sepsis Phenotyping
Azra Bihorac, MD
COVID-19 and ICU Capacity Lessons Learned
Sean Bagshaw, MD
Kidney Biopsies in COVID-19: What Have We Seen?
Raj Chakaravarthi, MD
COVID-19 AKI Progression and Long Term Outcomes
Nuttha Lumlertgul, MD
AKI and RRT in Patients Receiving ECMO
Marlies Ostermann, MD
ADQI 26: pADQI – The Pediatric Critical Care Nephrology Conference
Rajit Basu, MD
The Pediatric Experience
Akash Deep, MD
Innovations in Caring for Patients with Dysnatremias
Lenar Yessayan, MD
Can Biomarkers Identify Patients at Risk for Long Term Adverse Outcomes?
Nick Selby , MD
The Importance of Persistent Severe AKI
Jay Koyner, MD
AKI in COVID-19: Do We Know the Mechanisms?
Matthieu LeGrand, MD
Predicting Pediatric AKI: The TAKING FOCUS 2 Study
Stuart Goldstein, MD
Management of Acid-Base Disorders
Lenar Yessayan, MD, MS
Adjusting Nutrition
Javier Neyra, MD, MSCS
Modality & Dose
Jorge Cerda
Ashita Tolwani
Solutions and Fluid Balance
David Selewski
Individualizing Care: Challenges and Opportunities for Critical Illness
Lui Forni, MD, Ron Wald, MD and Sunita Puri, MD
Optimizing Fluid Management in the ICU: Fit for Purpose?
Andrew Shaw, MD, John Kellum, MD and Mitra Nadim, MD
Digital Health for AKI Management
Azra Bihorac, MD, Jejo Koola, MD and Kianoush Kashani, MD
Innovations in Caring for Patients with Dysnatremias
Javier Neyra, MD, MSCS and Lenar Yessayan, MD, MS
Managing AKI in the Patient with Cancer
Stuart Goldstein, MD and Mitchell Rosner, MD
AKI Biomarker Science is for Smarter People: I’m Just a Guy Trying to Figure Out the In Whom and the When
Stuart Goldstein, MD
Renal Functional Measurement: Emerging Techniques and Results
Claudio Ronco, MD, Stuart L. Goldstein, MD, Etienne Macedo, MD, PhD, FASN
Personalized Management of Shock: How to use Biomarkers, Vasopresssors and Fluids?
Kathleen Liu, MD, PhD, MAS, Lui Forni, MD, John A. Kellum, MD
Improving Care for Patients After Hospitalization for AKI
Edward Siew, MD, MSCI, Nick Selby, MD, Ron Wald, MD
Implementing a Quality Program for AKI in your ICU: Lessons from Pediatrics (Implementación de un programa de calidad para LRA/IRA en su UCI: lecciones de pediatría)
Mottes, Theresa, MSN, RN, CPNP-AC, CDN
Houston, TX
Quality of Care in AKI: What are the Consensus Recommendation from ADQI? (Calidad de la atención en casos de LRA/IRA: ¿cuáles son las recomendaciones por consenso de ADQI?)
Dr. Kashani, Kianoush
Rochester, MN
What Benchmarks Should We Use for Measuring Quality in CRRT? (¿Qué puntos de referencia debemos usar para medir la calidad en TRRC?)
Dres. Andrew Lewington y Qi Qian
Leeds, Reino Unido y Rochester, MN
Apheresis Techniques: Do They Have a Role? (Técnicas de aféresis: ¿tienen algún rol?)
Dr. Eisei Nori
Tokio, JAPÓN
Avances en tecnología de membrana
Dr. Claudio Ronco
Vicenza, ITALIA
What Benchmarks Should We Use for Measuring Quality in CRRT? (¿Qué puntos de referencia debemos usar para medir la calidad en TRRC?)
Dr. Sean Bagshaw
Edmonton, AL, CANADÁ
Los estados de shock difieren en respuesta a los vasopresores
Dr. Lui Forni
Guildford, Reino Unido
Fenotipos de respuesta de fluidos: lecciones de los ensayos ARDS
Dra. Kathleen Liu
San Francisco, CA, EE. UU.
Eliminación de toxinas a base de sorbentes
Dr. John Kellum
Pittsburgh, PA, EE. UU.
Administración automatizada de citrato: ¿Funciona?
Dr. Matthieu LeGrand
París, Francia
Consecuencias metabólicas del citrato
Dra. Marlies Ostermann
Londres, Reino Unido
Los por qué, los cómo y los qué de la anticoagulación con citrato
Dra. Ashita Tolwani
Birmingham, AL, EE. UU.
¿Las soluciones balanceadas son la solución?
Dr. Edward Siew, MSCI
Nashville, TN, EE. UU.
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AKI (LRA/IRA) y la carga global de la enfermedad
Dr. Jorge Cerdá, FACP, FASN
Albany, NY, EE. UU.
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CKD (ERC, enfermedad renal crónica) de origen desconocido (CKDu [ERCd]): ¿AKI (LRA/IRA) disfrazada?
Dra. Magdalena Madero
Tlaplan, Me., México
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Determinación de reserva renal en AKI (LRA/IRA)
Dr. Claudio Ronco
Vicenza, Italia
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El cerebro y el riñón
Dr. Andrew Davenport, FrCP
Londres, Reino Unido
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Gestión hemodinámica funcional:
Dr. Michael Pinsky
Pittsburgh, PA, EE. UU.