David Askenazi, MD, MSPH
Professor of Pediatrics
University of Alabama at Birmingham - Pediatric Nephrology
Medical Director - Pediatric and Infant Center for Acute Nephrology
Children's of Alabama
Birmingham, AL USA
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David Askenazi, MD, MSPH
Dr. Askenazi is the Medical Director of the Pediatric and Infant Center for Acute Nephrology (PICAN), whose mission is to improve the outcomes of infants and children at risk for acute kidney disease by performing excellent comprehensive multi-disciplinary care, research and education. Dr. Askenazi's research interest include: a) the role that acute kidney injury (AKI) has on short and long-term outcomes in neonates and pediatric patients, b) testing therapies to improve the short and long-term outcomes of neonates and pediatric patients with AKI, and c) improving the definition of neonatal AKI using urinary and serum biomarkers of AKI. Dr. Askenazi is the board chair of the Neonatal Kidney Collaborative and is the CSO for ZorroFlow.
Linda Awdishu, PharmD, MAS
Professor of Clinical Pharmacy
Division Head of Clinical Pharmacy
University of California, San Diego Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
La Jolla, CA USA
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Linda Awdishu, PharmD, MAS
Linda Awdishu earned her Bachelors of Science in Pharmacy from the University of Toronto in 1999, Doctor of Pharmacy from the University of Colorado in 2008 and Masters of Clinical Research from the University of California in 2007. She is an Associate Clinical Professor of Pharmacy and Medicine at UCSD Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. She maintains a clinical practice in the chronic kidney disease program. Her research program is focused on drug induced kidney injury.
Sean Bagshaw, MD, MSc
Dr. Sean M. Bagshaw is Professor and Chair, Department of Critical Care Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Alberta and Alberta Health Services, Edmonton, Canada. Dr. Bagshaw received his medical doctorate at the University of Calgary (1997-2000). He completed specialty training in Internal Medicine (2000-2003) and in Critical Care Medicine (2003-2005) at the University of Calgary. Dr. Bagshaw also completed a Master of Science in Epidemiology in the Department of Community Health Sciences, University of Calgary (2003-2005). Dr. Bagshaw completed a fellowship in Critical Care Nephrology at the Austin Hospital, in Melbourne Australia (2005-2007). He has research expertise in epidemiology, clinical trials and health services research. His research focuses on acute kidney injury, ICU organization and capacity, and critical illness in vulnerable populations (e.g., elderly, frail). He is supported by a Canada Research Chair in Critical Care Outcomes and Systems Evaluation. He has published over 500 peer-reviewed papers (h-index 113) and has received over $100 million in research support.
Rajit Basu, MD MS FCCM
Dr. Basu is dedicated to improving the recognition, treatment, and outcomes of critically ill children suffering acute kidney injury. As Co-Director of the Center for Acute Care Nephrology at Cincinnati Children's Hospital, Dr. Basu oversees projects in the pediatric intensive care unit investigating AKI prediction by risk stratified optimization of biomarkers (renal angina), biomarker and fluid overload directed renal replacement therapy initiation, and use of the EMR to provide clinical decision support for management of AKI and fluid balance. Prior to arriving at Cincinnati Children's in 2009, Dr. Basu completed his Pediatric Critical Care fellowship and Pediatric residency at Northwestern University in Chicago. Originally from South Bend, Indiana, he is a graduate of Indiana University Medical School and the University of Notre Dame (undergraduate degree in Biochemistry).
William Beaubien-Souligny, Dr
Dr. Beaubien-Souligny is a nephrologist and principal researcher at the CHUM. His activities are supported by the FRQS and the KRESCENT program of the Kidney Foundation of Canada. He has authored 93 peer-reviewed publications since 2017. His main areas of interest include acute renal failure, renal replacement therapy in intensive care, hemodynamic monitoring, and bedside ultrasound.
Samira Bell, MBChB, FRCP, MD
Dr Samira Bell is a Senior Clinical Lecturer and Honorary Consultant Nephrologist at the University of Dundee, Scotland, UK. She studied medicine at University of Glasgow graduating in 1999 and was appointed as a full-time NHS consultant at Ninewells Hospital, Dundee in 2010. She was appointed as a Senior Clinical Lecturer at the University of Dundee in 2013. Her main research interest is around the linkage of routinely collected heathcare data with a focus on AKI. She is chair of the Scottish Renal Registry, co-chair of the UK Renal Health Data Network and NHS Research Scotland Lead for Renal Research.
Azra Bihorac, MD, MS, FCCM, FASN
Senior Associate Dean for Research Affairs, University of Florida College of Medicine
R. Glenn Davis Professor of Medicine, Surgery and Anesthesiology
Director, Intelligent Critical Care Center (IC3)
Gainesville, FL USA
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Azra Bihorac, MD, MS, FCCM, FASN
Azra Bihorac, MD, MS, FASN, FCCM, is the Senior Associate Dean for Research Affairs at the University of Florida College of Medicine. She is the R. Glenn Davis Professor of Medicine, Surgery, Anesthesiology, and Physiology & Functional Genomics; the Lab Director of Precision and Intelligent Systems in Medicine Research Partnership (PRISMAp); and Director of the Intelligent Critical Care Center (IC3), a multi-disciplinary center focused on developing and providing sustainable support and leadership for transformative medical AI research, education, and clinical applications to advance patients’ health in critical and acute care medicine. Through her work at IC3, Dr. Bihorac is addressing an unprecedented opportunity for world-leading ambient, immersive, and artificial intelligence research and innovation to transform the diagnosis, monitoring, and treatment for critically and acutely ill patients using the multimodal clinical and research data and resources stemming from UF Health, one of the Florida’s largest health care systems. Her vision is to develop tools for intelligent human-centered health care that delivers optimized care tailored to a patient’s “personal clinical profile” using digital data.
Timothy Bunchman, MD
Tim Bunchman went to Medical School at Loyola University in Chicago, Residency in Internal Medicine and Pediatrics at St. Louis University, and received his training for Pediatric Nephrology at the University of Minnesota.
His career path has primarily been at academic institutions where he has taken care of children with multiple types of nephrologic diseases. Tim also shares the passion of nephrology with NIH-Pre-faculty Training in Pediatric Nephrology, Fellowship Training Programs, and Grand Rounds throughout the country and in house. On a daily basis here at Helen DeVos Childrens Hospital, Tim has one-on-one training sessions with the residents who have chosen Nephrology as their elective in addition to direct patient care in the nephrology clinic and inpatient rounds.
Tim attained full professor at the University of Michigan, University of Alabama, and at Michigan State University. Tim continues to provide lectures internationally in Canada, Australia, Egypt, Germany, Sweden, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom, India, Russia, Switzerland, Chile and Argentina. He has authored over a dozen book chapters, and greater than 110 papers in general, dialysis and transplant nephrology, in addition to over 240 abstracts.
Emmanuel Burdmann, MD, PhD
Dr. Emmanuel A. Burdmann attended medical school at the University of So Paulo Medical School, So Paulo, Brazil and completed residency in Internal Medicine and fellowships in Nephrology at Hospital das Clnicas, University of So Paulo Medical School, So Paulo, Brazil. He received his Doctorate in Nephrology from the University of So Paulo Medical School and did a post-doc research fellowship at the Nephrology Division of the Oregon Health Sciences University, Portland, Oregon. Dr. Burdmann is the past-president of the Latin-American Society of Nephrology and Hypertension and is currently the president of the Brazilian Society of Nephrology. His current academic position is as Associate Professor of Nephrology at the So Jos do Rio Preto Medical School, where he is responsible for the care of the AKI patients and for the Post-Graduation Program. Dr Burdmann serves as Associate-Editor in the Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology and in Nephrology, Dialysis, and Transplantation. He is member of AKIN and KDIGO. His research interests centers on acute kidney injury and drugs and animal venoms nephrotoxicity.
Vincenzo Cantaluppi, MD
Vincenzo Cantaluppi is Associate Professor of Nephrology at tbe University of Eastern Piedmont “A. Avogadro”, “Maggiore della Carità” University Hospital in Novara, Italy. He is the Director of Nephrology and Kidney Transplantation Unit at the University of Eastern Piedmont. He is an active clinical investigator in the fields of acute kidney injury, renal replacement therapy in intensive care unit, kidney transplantation. His main lines of basic research are focused on acute kidney injury biomarkers and on development of new potential therapeutic strategies for acute kidney injury based on transplantation of stem cells and derived extracellular vesicles.
Jorge Cerda, MD, MS, FACP, FASN,
Chief, Dept of Medicine, St Peter's Health Partners
Clinical Professor of Medicine, Albany Medical College
Chair, AKI! Now Initiative of the American Society of Nephrology
Chair, Advocacy Working Group of the International Society of Nephrology
Albany, NY USA
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Jorge Cerda, MD, MS, FACP, FASN,
Chief, Dept of Medicine, St Peter's Healthcare, Albany, NY
Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine, Albany Medical College, Albany NY
Fulbright Scholar, 1980
Fellow, American College of Physicians
Fellow, American Society of Nephrology
Organizing Committee, International Conference AKI & CRRT
AKI Advisory Group, American Society of Nephrology
AKI Committee, and "0by25" Initiative, International Society of Nephrology
Member, Acute Dialysis Quality Initiative (ADQI); Acute Kidney International Network (AKIN), Global Burden of Disease
Associate Editor, Blood Purification and Kidney International Reports
Editorial Board, American Journal of Kidney Diseases, NephSAP, American Board of Internal Medicine. Kidney International, Lancet, American Journal Kidney Diseases
Main research interests and publications: Acute Renal Injury, CRRT, AKI around the world
Rajasekara Chakravarthi, MD, DNB (Nephrology)
Dr. Rajasekara Chakravarthi graduated from Mysore University (MBBS) in 1993 and completed MD (internal medicine) from the same university in 1996. Subsequently he trained as a fellow in Nephrology under the guidance of Dr.M.K.Mani between June 1997 to June 1999. He successfully completed the national board of examinations (Nephrology) DNB-NBE India. He worked as a Consultant Nephrologist at JSS medical college and hospitals Mysore between Aug 1999 to Oct 2000 and then as a Consultant Nephrologist at Apollo hospitals Chennai between Oct 2000 to March 2002. He shifted to the city of Hyderabad in March 2002 and started the department of Nephrology at CARE hospitals, the institute of medical sciences. He was the Head of the department of Nephrology CARE hospitals Banjara hills from March 2002 to September 2011. Since September 2011 till Sep 2015 he officiated as the Director Nephrology services CARE group of hospitals India which is a 16 hospitals group spread across the country. Since Sep 2015 till date he is the director of Nephrology services STAR hospitals, Hyderabad. India.
He has keen interest in understanding Acute Kidney Injury and is a member of the AKIN and ADQI (2011, Dublin) (2016, Asiago). He is appointed as faculty of the KDIGO working group on AKI - 2019. He has more than 75 publications in various national and international journals and more than 160 presentations in various conferences. He was a visiting and adjunct faculty to National Institute of Nutrition Hyderabad and JSS University Mysore. He is an organizing committee member and invited faculty for the international CRRT conference held at San Diego yearly since 2005 till date. He is a reviewer for the Indian Journal of nephrology, the official journal of the Indian society of Nephrology, Indian Heart Journal, Journal of Indian College of cardiology, Indian journal of Transplantation and Nephrology and Indian journal of Hypertension. He is presently nominated as a member AKI-committee of the International society of Nephrology. In the year 2016 he has organized and co-chaired the 17th ADQI held at Hyderabad India on Management of AKI in the developing world. He has been organizing AKI and CRRT conferences and works shops since 2004 . He has been part of the active transplantation programme since 1997 at Apollo Hospitals - Chennai, JSS Medical College Hospital - Mysore, Care Group of Hospitals - India and presently at STAR Hospitals - Hyderabad, being part of more than 650 transplantations so far both live related and cadaveric.
He is the founding trustee of the NGO, Care For Your Kidney Foundation (cfykf) started in the year 2015 with the aim of creating awareness in the public regarding kidney disease and preventing kidney disease in the community. So far the foundation has completed more than five thousand screening in the urban slums of Hyderabad. The foundation also subsidizes dialysis and kidney transplants for the needy population of the country.
He is the founding director of Renown clinical services which is a group offering Nephrology services presently to six hospitals in the city of Hyderabad. An Annual meeting on AKI (acute kidney injury) and CRRT is conducted by Renown associates since 2016 namely Selections from Sandiego. This meeting provides training in all modalities of RRT (dialysis) in ICU and brings the highlights of the AKI and CRRT meeting held annually in Sandiego by CRRT Inc. and UCSD. This meeting held at Sandiego annually is into its 25th year.
Glenn Chertow, MD
Glenn M. Chertow, MD, MPH is the Norman S. Coplon Satellite Healthcare Professor of Medicine and (by courtesy) Professor of Epidemiology and Population Health and Professor of Health Policy at Stanford University School of Medicine, and Associate Chair (Fellowship Programs) in the Department of Medicine. Dr. Chertow completed his undergraduate education at University of Pennsylvania (1985) and his MD (1989) and MPH (1995) degrees at Harvard. He completed residency in internal medicine and fellowship in nephrology at Brigham and Women’s Hospital before joining the Harvard faculty, where he remained until 1998. He then joined the faculty at University of California San Francisco, where he served as Director of Clinical Services in the Division of Nephrology and was promoted through the academic ranks to full Professor in the Departments of Medicine and Epidemiology and Biostatistics until joining the Stanford faculty as Professor and Division Chief in 2007, a position he held until 2021. In addition to maintaining an active clinical practice, administrative responsibilities, teaching and mentoring, Dr. Chertow has developed and maintained a robust clinical research program. He has served or is currently serving in leadership roles for multiple NIDDK-, NHLBI-, and VA-sponsored clinical trials, including HEMO, DAC, ATN, FHN, SPRINT, PRESERVE, ISCHEMIA CKD, CURE-GN, TiME, and BRAVO, and for several industry-sponsored clinical trials including TREAT, EVOLVE, BEACON, SYMPLICITY, REPRISE, CREDENCE, INNO2VATE, PRO2TECT, RENAL-AF, FIDELIO, FIGARO, DAPA-CKD, CaLIPSO, CALCIPHYX, PRIORITIZE-HF, STABILIZE-CKD, POSIBIL6-ESKD, AMPLITUDE, and BaxDuo Arctic and Pacific. He has served in an advisory capacity to the Medicare Payment Advisory Committee and the National Quality Forum on issues related to the ESRD program, on NIH study sections, and in multiple roles with the American Society of Nephrology, including the Public Policy Board, Quality Metrics Taskforce, and as Associate Editor of the society’s leading journal. He is Co-Editor of Brenner and Rector’s The Kidney. Dr. Chertow was honored by the American Kidney Fund with the National Torchbearer Award (2007) and the Nephrologist of the Year Award (2011) in recognition of his contributions to the care of persons with kidney disease. Dr. Chertow received the Belding H. Scribner Award from the American Society of Nephrology for outstanding contributions that have substantially changed the practice of nephrology (2015) and the David M. Hume Memorial Award (2018), the highest honor given by the National Kidney Foundation to a distinguished scientist-clinician in the field of kidney and urologic diseases. Dr. Chertow is an elected member of the American Society of Clinical Investigation (2004), Association of American Physicians (2015), and National Academy of Medicine (formerly Institute of Medicine) (2015).
Rolando Claure-Del Granado, MD, FASN, FISN
Dr. Rolando Claure-Del Granado earned his medical degree from the Universidad del Valle School of Medicine in Cochabamba, Bolivia, in 1999. He completed his residency in Internal Medicine and a Fellowship in Nephrology at the Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Médicas y Nutrición “Salvador Zubirán” (U.N.A.M) in Mexico City, Mexico. From 2009 to 2011, Dr. Claure-Del Granado was a Research Fellow in the Division of Nephrology-Hypertension at the University of California, San Diego. He later joined the Universidad Mayor de San Simón School of Medicine (Cochabamba, Bolivia) as a Professor of Medicine and became a Clinical Research Investigator at the Biomedical Research Institute (IIBISMED). Additionally, he serves as Director of the AKI & CRRT Program in the Division of Nephrology at Hospital Obrero No 2 – Caja Nacional de Salud, Cochabamba, Bolivia.
Dr. Claure-Del Granado plays an active role in the International Society of Nephrology (ISN), contributing to major initiatives such as 0by25, the Kidney Care Network, the development of the ISN COVID-19 resources site, the ISN-ACT Clinical Trials Toolkit, and the ISN-WHO AKI Toolkit. He currently serves as a Member-at-Large on the ISN Executive Committee, Deputy Chair of the ISN Fellowship Program, and Co-Lead of the ISN Mentorship Program. He is a former Chair of the ISN Young Nephrologists Committee, contributes to the @ISNeducation Social Media team, and serves on the ISN Latin American Regional Board. He is part of the KDIGO Executive Committee. Additionally, he co-chairs the Acute Kidney Injury Committee of the Latin American Society of Nephrology and Hypertension (SLANH) and is a former President of the Bolivian Society of Nephrology and Hypertension.
Dr. Claure-Del Granado's research interests focus on the epidemiology of AKI, extracorporeal therapies, AKI biomarkers, mobile health, and the use of social media in medical education. He has published over 100 works, including original research articles, reviews, book chapters, and abstracts. His contributions have been recognized with various grants, awards, and honors throughout his career.
Michael Connor, MD
Critical Care Medicine & Nephrology
Division of Pulmonary, Allergy, Critical Care, & Sleep Medicine
Emory University
Atlanta, GA USA
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Michael Connor, MD
Dr. Connor is dual trained in nephrology & critical care medicine sharing his clinical duties between critical care medicine & inpatient consultative nephrology. Dr. Connor’s clinical and academic interests are focused heavily on critical care medicine and especially acute nephrology issues in the critically ill. Dr. Connor is an internationally recognized expert on acute renal replacement therapies, acute kidney injury (AKI), antimicrobial dosing in AKI, volume management and hemodynamic support of the critically ill, intra-abdominal hypertension & abdominal compartment syndrome, acute acid/base derangements, and extracorporeal blood purification techniques including extra-corporeal membrane oxygenation.
In September 2014, Dr. Connor spearheaded the first-ever application of advanced critical care support to a patient with Ebola virus disease (EVD) which included the first known successful application of acute continuous hemodialysis and mechanical ventilatory support in EVD.
Paul Conway
Washington, DC, USA
Paul Conway
Akash Deep, Professor
Professor Akash Deep is the Director of the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit(PICU) at King's College Hospital, London and Professor of Paediatric Critical Care at King’s College London. Prof. Deep has recently been elected as the Staff Governor at King’s College Hospital, London.
Prof Deep is the Chair of Scientific Affairs for the European Society of Paediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care Society (ESPNIC). He also chairs the Liver Failure Working Group for ESPNIC.
He has been the Founding Chair for the Critical Care Nephrology Section of European Society of ESPNIC. He has organised and taught on several national and international meetings.
Prof Deep is the Chair for the Science and Education Committee of Paediatric Intensive Care Society (PICS) of UK. He is the advisor to the UK sepsis Trust for paediatric sepsis and is the author of the Surviving Sepsis Campaign guidelines for septic shock in children. Prof Deep is the Chief author of the Sepsis Toolkit for management of sepsis in children released by the UK Sepsis Trust at the House of Commons.
Prof Deep has organised many national and international congresses on CRRT and hosted the 8th International Conference on CRRT in London and the 9th International Conference on CRRT in Orlando, USA. He was the Organising Chairman for 2019 U.K’s National Paediatric Intensive Care congress in collaboration with US’s Paediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Society (PCICS)
Prof is the Chief Editor for the official ESPNIC textbook published by Springer on ‘’Critical Care Nephrology and Renal Replacement therapy in Children’’. He is an invited national and international speaker in major Paediatric and Paediatric Intensive Care conferences.
Special interests include various aspects of management of acute liver failure especially extracorporeal support in acute liver failure in children, acute kidney injury in neonates and children, Continuous renal replacement therapy, sepsis education and haemodynamics in septic shock
Jean Deschamps, Dr
Jean Deschamps is a Cardiovascular Intensivist at the Cleveland Clinic. His academic interests include mechanical circulatory support, right ventricular dysfunction, and whole body ultrasonography in critically ill patients.
Kent Doi, MD
Kent Doi, M.D., Ph.D. is Assistant Professor of Medicine in the division of Emergency and Critical Care Medicine at The University of Tokyo, Japan. He received his M.D. and Ph.D., and residency training at the University of Tokyo Hospital followed by research nephrology training at NIH/NIDDK (2005-2007). At the University of Tokyo Dr. Doi is a clinical and basic research investigator. His research interests include acute kidney injury and sepsis. Current research involves AKI biomarker development and clarification of pathophysiology of sepsis-induced AKI. He is also working for the renal support therapy in the ICU. Dr. Doi is Fellow of the American Society of Nephrology (FASN) and the Japanese Society of Internal Medicine (FJSIM), Councilor and Board Certified Nephrologist of the Japanese Society of Nephrology, Board Certified Senior Member of the Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy, and Councilor of the Japanese Society for Blood Purification in Critical Care.
Katrina Eggleston, MSN, RN, CNN
Katrina has been working in acute dialysis for over 14 years as a preceptor and charge nurse. She now holds the position of Manager of CRRT, traveling to acute facilities training their staff on CRRT.
Lui Forni, MD PhD JFICMI
Professor Lui Forni trained at St George's Hospital Medical School before medical training at the London Postgraduate Medical Schools. Registrar Training was at St Thomas' followed by ICU and Nephrology training at St Thomas' and St George's. He was a consultant Intensivist/Nephrologist at the Western Sussex Hospitals Trust for over 10 years before moving to his current post as Professor of intensive care medicine at the Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. Research interests include pre-operative assessment of high risk surgical candidates, renal replacement therapy, diagnosis, pathophysiology and treatment of acute kidney injury and predictive modeling in acute medical admissions. He has been an advisor for NCEPOD and was a founder member of the ESICM AKI group being elected chair of the section in 2013. He is currently a member of the executive council of the ESICM serving as general secretary having previously been research chair. He has been a faculty member for the ESICM and the ICS as well as lecturing nationally and internationally. In 2023 he was made Professor of Acute Medicine and Critical Care at the School of Medicine at the University of Surrey. When not at work he is to be found trying to sail badly, play the guitar woefully and bemoan the performances of Tottenham Hotspur (A soccer team!)
Dana Fuhrman, DO, MS
Associate Professor
Pediatric Critical Care Medicine and Nephrology
Director, CRRT Program
UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA USA
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Dana Fuhrman, DO, MS
Dr. Dana Fuhrman is an Associate Professor in the Department of Critical Care Medicine and Pediatrics at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh. She completed her pediatric residency training, chief residency, and pediatric nephrology fellowship at the University of Rochester, where she received a Master of Science in Clinical Investigation and was a T32 Trainee Grant recipient. She subsequently completed a pediatric critical care medicine fellowship at the University of Pittsburgh in 2015. She clinically practices both pediatric nephrology and critical care medicine at the Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh. She is currently the Program Director for the Pediatric Critical Care Medicine Fellowship Program and Director of the Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy and Acute Care Nephrology Programs in Pittsburgh. In 2019, she received a NIDDK K23 to study methods to predict and prevent kidney disease in young adults with congenital heart disease. Her research interests focus on developing diagnostic tools to predict acute kidney injury, the acute kidney injury to chronic kidney injury transition, and methods to improve the delivery of continuous renal replacement therapy. She has authored over 50 peer-reviewed publications and has spoken at numerous national and international meetings.
Pranav Garimella, Dr.
Dr. Garimella is an Associate Professor of Medicine at UC San Diego and the Director of Acute Dialysis Services at UC San Diego Health. His research interests include novel kidney tubule biomarkers to risk stratify, prognosticate kidney disease progression. He is also interested in leveraging biomarkers for improving drug dosing in acute and chronic kidney disease, with an aim to reduce drug related complications. He has a clinical interest in polycystic kidney disease and directs the ADPKD Center of Excellence at UCSD.
His research has been funded by the NIH, Centers for AIDS Research, the Veterans Medical Research Foundation and UC San Diego.
Stuart Goldstein, MD
Professor of Pediatrics, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine
Division of Nephrology and Hypertension & The Heart Institute
Director, Center for Acute Care Nephrology
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Cincinnati, OH USA
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Stuart Goldstein, MD
Dr. Goldstein serves as Director for the Center for Acute Care Nephrology (CACN) at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center. The CACN's mission is to coordinate all AKI related clinical, research and outcomes efforts at CCHMC and to function as a nexus for coordinating multi-center pediatric AKI research. Dr. Goldstein is the Founder and Principal Investigator of the Prospective Pediatric AKI Research Group (www.ppaki.org), a 50 center international pediatric acute care nephrology research consortium that will focuses on pediatric AKI epidemiology, interventional trials, device evaluation and genetic studies. Dr. Goldstein is also the program director for the only Pediatric Acute Care Nephrology fellowship in the United States.
Sudarshan Hebbar
Trained in Critical Care Medicine at Hennepin County Medical Center and Nephrology at The University of Chicago. Practiced Nephrology, Critical Care, and Transplantation at Kidney Associates of Kansas City from 1995-2007. Was Senior Medical Director at Abbot Diagnostics and directed the clinical development and regulator submissions of novel biomarkers, especially urine NGAL. Was medical director at Reata and VP at Thrasos prior to joining CalciMedica in 2015. Have the clinical development of Auxora and overseen clinical trials of Auxora in acute pancreatitis with SIRS, severe COVID-19 pneumonia, and now severe AKI associated with Acute Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure.
Mark Hepokoski, MD
Associate Professor of Medicine
Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care
University of California, San Diego
United States
La Jolla, CA USA
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Mark Hepokoski, MD
Mark Hepokoski, MD is an Assistant Professor of Medicine in the Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care at the University of California, San Diego. Dr. Hepokoski graduated from the University of Minnesota School of Medicine, and completed his residency training and chief residency at Brown University. He completed his Pulmonary and Critical Care Fellowship at the University of California, San Diego. Dr. Hepokoski’s research interest is on inflammatory crosstalk between the lung and kidney in critical illness. His current work investigating the role of mitochondrial dysfunction in lung-kidney interactions is funded by a career development award from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA CDA2). Dr. Hepokoski’s research has also been funded by both the American Society of Nephrology and American Thoracic Society.
Yuval Horowitz, MD
Tel Aviv, ISRAEL
Yuval Horowitz, MD
Eric Hoste, MD, PhD
Short CV: Eric Hoste
1989 MD, Ghent University, Belgium
1995 Board certified Internal Medicine
1997 Board certified Intensive Care Medicine
2004 PhD, Ghent University: Acute Renal Failure in Critically Ill Patients
Working career:
1995 Resident ICU, Ghent University Hospital
2001 Adj Head of Clinic ICU, Ghent University Hospital
2005 Head of Clinic ICU, Ghent University Hospital
2006-2017 Associate Professor Ghent University, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
2017- ... Full Professor Ghent University, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
2009-2024 Senior Clinical Investigator at the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO), Brussels, Belgium
2014-2021 donor coordinator at the ICU, Ghent University Hospital
2020- ... Head of Department Transplantation Center, Ghent University Hospital
Critical care nephrology: epidemiology, biomarkers, prevention
Acid-base & electrolytes
Organ Donation
International Peer Reviewed : 229 publications
Book Chapters: 29
H-Index Scopus: 80
H-index Google Scholar : 62
H-Index ResearchGate: 83
National and International Societies
Belgian Society of Intensive Care Medicine
2007-2013 board member
2011-2012 President
Belgian Transplantation Society
2015 - ... Member / Belgium Organ Procurement Committee (BeOPC)/ member working group SAE/SAR
2020- 2024 Vice Chair Belgium Organ Procurement Committee (BeOPC)
2024 – 2026 chair BTS
National Transplantation Council (Belgium)
2022- ... Board member
European Society of Intensive Care Medicine:
2006- AKI section member
2010-2013 Deputy AKI section
2016-2019 Chair AKI section
2021- 2023. member Social Media Committee and Digital Communication committee
Acute Disease Quality Initiative (ADQI): participated in 11 meetings
Acute Kidney Injury Network (AKIN): participated in 2 meetings
Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO): participated in 1 meeting
Associate Editor/editor: J Crit Care, Blood Purification
Peer reviewer: 26 journals
Michael Joannidis, Professor, MD
Michael Joannidis, MD, is Professor in Medicine (Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine) and Head of the Division of Medical Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine, Dept. Internal Medicine, Medical University Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria. Currently he is serving as vice-president of the Austrian Society of General and Medical Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine (ÖGIAIN). He is a certified specialist in Critical Care Medicine, Nephrology and Cardiology. His research interests covering acute kidney injury, renal tubular epithelial pathophysiology, renal replacement therapy and sepsis are represented by over 380 peer reviewed articles.
Kianoush Kashani, MD, MS
Dr. Kashani is trained in the fields of Nephrology and Critical care Medicine. He is currently ranked as a Professor of Medicine and Assistant Professor of Medical Education; he serves as a consultant in the Division of Nephrology and Hypertension and the Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine at Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN. He is currently the chair of the Nephrology-ICU Committee and Digital Health Committee under the division of Nephrology and Hypertension. His research interest is focused on acute kidney injury, acid-base and electrolytes, kidney replacement therapies, fluid management, simulation medicine, point-of-care ultrasonography, artificial intelligence and digital health, and education. In addition, he provides lectures regarding AKI, education, and fluid management globally. He has published 321 peer-reviewed papers and written several book chapters.
Manish Kaushik, MD
Dr Manish graduated from Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Aligarh. After completing his MD in Medicine and working for a few years in India and overseas, he pursued further training at Singapore General Hospital (SGH), Singapore. He was awarded the Health Manpower Development Programme Scholarship to do Fellowship in Critical Care Nephrology and Cardiorenal Syndromes at International Renal Research Institute, Vicenza (Italy) under mentorship of Professor Claudio Ronco. He is currently working at SGH Department of Renal Medicine and is the Director for Critical Care Nephrology service and Director for Fellowship in Critical Care Nephrology at SGH. His areas of interest include Continuous Kidney Replacement Therapy, Extracorporeal Blood Purification and Apheresis. He is actively involved in education at all levels and serves the Nephrology community in his capacity as Chairperson of the Chapter of Renal Physicians, Singapore.
Amir Kazory, MD, FASN, FACC
Dr. Kazory is Professor of Medicine and Chief of the Division of Nephrology, Hypertension, and Renal Transplantation at the University of Florida. His main academic interests are the kidney-heart connection and nephrologic aspects of heart failure, fluid overload, and cardiorenal syndrome. Dr. Kazory has published extensively on topics mainly related to collaborative approaches in heart failure and cardiorenal syndrome, and is regularly invited to speak at national and international conferences around the world.
John Kellum, MD
John A. Kellum, MD, MCCM
Dr Kellum is Professor of Critical Care Medicine, Medicine, Bioengineering and Clinical and Translational Science, within the Department of Critical Care Medicine and Director of the Center for Critical Care Nephrology at the University of Pittsburgh.
He is currently on leave from the University of Pittsburgh and serving as Chief Medical Officer for Spectral Medical, a late stage biotechnology company based in Toronto Canada.
Dr. Kellum received his medical degree from the Medical College of Ohio in 1984. His postgraduate training includes an internship and residency in Internal Medicine at the University of Rochester, NY, and a Fellowship in Critical Care Medicine at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center.
Dr. Kellum is actively involved in education, research and administration. Dr. Kellum’s research interests span various aspects of Critical Care Medicine, but center in critical care nephrology, sepsis and multi-organ failure, and clinical epidemiology, including consensus development and research methodology. He has authored more than 500 publications and has won several awards for teaching. He lectures widely and has given more than 500 seminars and invited lectures worldwide related to his research.
SeJoong Kim, Professor
Nephrlogy, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital
Center for Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital
Internal Medicine, Seoul National University College of Medicine
Seongnam, Gy S Korea
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SeJoong Kim, Professor
I completed their Bachelor's, Master's, and Ph.D. degrees at Seoul National University College of Medicine. I also completed a postdoctoral program in Biomedical Engineering at the University of Michigan. Currently, they are working in the Nephrology Department at Seoul National University Bundang Hospital and serving as the director of the Center for Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare there. Additionally, they hold a professorship in internal medicine at Seoul National University College of Medicine. Their primary research areas include microphysiological systems, artificial intelligence, drug development, and clinical trials. They have published over 200 peer-reviewed papers and are actively involved in treating patients with acute kidney injury, chronic kidney disease, hemodialysis, and kidney transplantation.
Jay Koyner, MD
Professor of Medicine
Director, Acute Dialysis Services
Director, ICU Nephrology
University of Chicago
Chicago, IL USA
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Jay Koyner, MD
Dr. Koyner is an Associate Professor of Medicine in the Section of Nephrology at the University of Chicago. He completed his Internal Medicine and Nephrology training at the University of Chicago Medical Center where he currently serves as the medical director of the Inpatient Dialysis Unit and Director of ICU Nephrology. His critical care nephrology research interests have focused on the utilization of plasma and urine biomarkers to improve patient risk stratification and outcomes in the setting of AKI. In addition to biomarkers, other research interests include predictive analytics, AKI following cardiac surgery, CRRT and AKI therapeutics. He has published over 100 peer-reviewed articles and book chapters on AKI and the care of patients in with kidney injury in the ICU.
Matthias Kretzler
Ann Arbor, MI
Matthias Kretzler
Matthieu LeGrand, MD, PhD
Pr Matthieu Legrand is Professor of Anesthesiology and Critical care medicine in the department of Anesthesiology and Peri-operative Care, division of Critical Care Medicine, at the University of California San Francisco. His special interest are risk factors of AKI and strategies to prevent AKI in critically ill and surgical patients, sepsis and burn injuries.
Kathleen Liu, MD, PhD, MAS
Kathleen D. Liu, MD, PhD, MAS is a Professor in the Departments of Medicine and Anesthesia, Divisions of Nephrology and Critical Care Medicine at the University of California, San Francisco. Dr. Liu graduated from the University of California, San Francisco and trained as a resident at the Brigham and Womens Hospital in Boston. She trained in nephrology and critical care at the University of California, San Francisco. She is board-certified in both nephrology and critical care. Her research interests include biomarkers of kidney disease, acute kidney injury and acute lung injury.
Nuttha Lumlertgul, MD, PhD
Dr. Nuttha Lumlertgul is an attending physician at the Division of Nephrology at King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital in affiliation with Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand. Dr. Lumlertgul is currently doing postdoctoral research at the Department of Critical Care, Guy's & St Thomas' Hospital, London, UK. The main research interests include acute kidney injury, renal replacement therapy, biomarkers, and electrolyte, metabolic, and hormone disturbances in critically ill patients.
Etienne Macedo, MD, PhD, FASN
Etienne Macedo graduated from the University of Sao Paulo (USP) in Sao Paulo, Brazil. She completed her residency and fellowship through the USP Hospital das Clinicas, and her post-doctorate at the University of California, San Diego, where she continues to work as a clinician and researcher in AKI.
John-Michael Maury
John-Michael Maury, BMEd:
As professional actor and improviser John-Michael Maury has performed in numerous national commercials and television shows including appearances on “That 70’s Show” and “Passions”, as well as a recurring role as Deputy Lloyd on NBC’s “Heroes”. He is currently a member of the mainstage cast at the National Comedy Theatre here in San Diego where he has been performing and teaching improv since 2012.
Since 2014, John-Michael has worked in Simulation Education at UC-San Diego’s, School of Medicine where he is now Manager of the Standardized Patient Program in the Professional Development Center. He has brought his expertise and love of improv to the School of Medicine by creating and facilitating a Medical Improv elective for 1st & 2nd year medical students and he continues to hold various workshops for faculty development, residency training, as well as team building.
From 2019 to 2022, he supported the foundation of the Medical Improv Collaborative (MIC), a community of educators, researchers, and clinicians applying improvisation techniques to the realm of medical practice and education. With the MIC he served as an inaugural member of the steering committee and now continues to be an active member of the organization as a member of their research ensemble and curriculum council.
As a Teaching Artist, he is proud to be an Affiliate Artist of the Sanford Institute’s Center for Compassionate Communication Fellowship and he is honored to spread the wisdom gained from this amazing, informative program. John-Michael is especially passionate about the skills that can be gained from practicing improv to support in the social justice movement to help make our world a more equitable and inclusive place in which to live and thrive for all of us.
- Manager, SP Program at UC San Diego School of Medicine
- Affiliate Artist, Sanford Institute’s Center for Compassionate Communication Fellowship
- Professional Actor, Improviser, Singer-Songwriter,
- Teaching Artist & Expressions Coach
Ravindra Mehta, MBBS, MD, DM, FACP
Dr. Mehta is Professor of Medicine in the Division of Nephrology and Associate Chair for Clinical Affairs in the Department of Medicine at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) where he directs the Clinical nephrology and dialysis programs. He is also the Chair of the International Society of Nephrology Commission on Acute Renal Failure, founding member of the Acute Dialysis Quality Initiative. He received the M.B.B.S. degree (1976) from the Government Medical School in Amritsar, India, and the M.D. (1979) and D.M. (1981) degrees from the Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research in Chandigarh, India. He subsequently completed a nephrology fellowship at the University of Rochester in Rochester New York and obtained his boards in internal medicine (1986) and Nephrology (1988). He has been on the faculty at San Diego since 1988. His reserach interests are in the field of acute renal failure and he has directed several clinical studies in the management of patients with ARF including comparing different dialytic modalities, conducting large multicenter observational studies of ARF with the PICARD group, evaluating different predictive models for outcomes in ARF, investigating the role of cytokine removal by dialysis membranes in sepsis and ARF, and evaluating techniques for determining the amount of excess fluid in dialysis patients.
Gita Mehta, MD
Dr Gita Mehta is Professor Emeritus, Department of Medicine in the Division of Internal Medicine at University of California San Diego. As a faculty member at UCSD Healthcare, she served as Clinical Service Chief, and as a clinician -educator. She started a Communication program for faculty, FACTS, that has now been adopted into the Department of Medicine Residency Program. As the recipient of a Fulbright-Nehru grant to India in 2018, she has initiated a communication program for residents at a tertiary care Medical Institute and has trained several faculty to teach the subject. She is a certified communication facilitator through the Academy of Communication in Healthcare.
Shina Menon, MD
Dr Shina Menon is an Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Stanford University, and faculty, Division of Nephrology, Lucile Packard Children's Hospital. She is the Medical Director of Acute Dialysis Therapies, and the Division Director for Research. fShe completed Medical school and pediatric residency at Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi, India, followed by work as a clinical research fellow in Pediatric Nephrology at AIIMS, India. Subsequently she completed Pediatric residency and Pediatric Nephrology fellowship at Children’s Hospital of Michigan, Detroit, and then a 4th year Acute Care Nephrology fellowship at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, Cincinnati.
Her research is focused on Acute Kidney Injury, clinical decision support for AKI, long term outcomes after AKI and extracorporeal therapies including CRRT and TPE.
Theresa Mottes, MSN, RN,CPNP-AC,CDN
Theresa Mottes has over 20 years of pediatric renal replacement therapy experience is both the critical care setting and the outpatient dialysis setting. She has been involved in research with acute kidney injury, continuous renal replacement therapies and simulation based education for CRRT training. Theresa currently is a nurse practitioner for critical care nephrology. Theresa is very active with ANNA, as the current Pediatric Specialty Practice Network facilitator. She has presented at both national and international conferences.
Patrick Murray, MD
Professor of Clinical Pharmacology
University College Dublin
Consultant in Nephrology & Clinical Pharmacology
Mater Misericordiae University Hospital
Dublin, D7 IRELAND
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Patrick Murray, MD
Patrick Murray is Professor of Clinical Pharmacology in University College Dublin, and a consultant physician (clinical pharmacologist & nephrologist) at the Mater Misericordiae University Hospital, Dublin, Ireland.
He received his medical education at University College Dublin, Ireland.
Following his internship at the Mater Misericordiae University Hospital in Dublin, he completed a residency in internal medicine at Hennepin County Medical Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.
He completed fellowship training programs in nephrology, critical care medicine, and clinical pharmacology at the University Of Chicago Hospitals in Chicago, Illinois, USA.
He is board-certified in nephrology, critical care medicine, and clinical pharmacology.
He practiced as an intensivist, nephrologist, and clinical pharmacologist at the University of Chicago Hospitals from 1996–2008, serving as the fellowship training program director in nephrology, also directing the Acute Dialysis Service.
He has a longstanding interest in research and education to improve the prevention, diagnosis, and therapy of acute kidney injury and nephrotoxicity, and the pharmacotherapy of patients with kidney disease. He is a member of several international consensus groups that have produced guidelines for research and practice in the field of acute kidney injury (ADQI, AKIN, KDOQI).
Since 2008, he has been the Professor of Clinical Pharmacology at University College Dublin, and a Consultant in Nephrology & Clinical Pharmacology at the Mater Misericordiae University Hospital. He is Chair of the Mater Misericordiae University Hospital Drugs & Therapeutics Committee. He is the Clinical Director of the UCD-Mater Clinical Research Centre. In 2011, he was appointed Associate Dean for International Affairs in the UCD School of Medicine and Medical Science. In 2012, he was appointed Director of the Dublin Centre for Clinical Research (DCCR) Consortium Network, and also Clinical Director of the Irish Clinical Research Infrastructure Network (ICRIN). From December 2012 until July 2018, he served as the Dean and Head of the School of Medicine at UCD.
Raghavan Murugan, MD, MS, FRCP
Professor of Critical Care Medicine, and Clinical and Translational Science
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
ICU Director & Chief of Critical Care Medicine, Magee-Womens Hospital of UPMC
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
Pittsburgh, PA USA
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Raghavan Murugan, MD, MS, FRCP
Dr. Murugan is a Professor of Critical Care Medicine and Clinical and Translational Science at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. He received his MBBS from Stanley Medical College, Chennai, India, and underwent training in General Medicine at the Northampton General Hospital, UK, and obtained a Membership of the Royal College of Physicians (MRCP) of London. He then underwent fellowship training in Pulmonary Medicine at the Queens Medical Center, Nottingham, UK. He received his residency training in Internal Medicine at the Temple University affiliated- Conemaugh Memorial Medical Center, Johnstown, PA, subsequently completed the Multidisciplinary Critical Care Medicine Fellowship training program at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, and also obtained a Master’s Degree in Clinical Research at the University of Pittsburgh. He is currently the Chief of Critical Care Medicine at Magee Womens Hospital. He is American board-certified in Internal Medicine and the subspecialty of Critical Care Medicine and is an elected Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, London, UK and the American College of Critical Care Medicine.
Dr. Murugan is the Program Director for Critical Care Nephrology and has authored more than 160 peer-reviewed publications. His research interests include acute kidney injury, net ultrafiltration, sepsis, biomarkers, and inflammation-induced organ dysfunction. Dr. Murugan is also a previous recipient of the National Institute of Health’s (NIH) Career Development Award. He is currently the Principal Investigator for an R01 grants from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) entitled Restrictive versus Liberal rate of Extracorporeal Volume Removal Evaluation (RELIEVE-AKI) trial and Artificial Intelligence Driven Acute Renal Replacement Therapy (AID-ART), and Co-Investigator for Multicenter Implementation of an Electronic Decision Support System for Drug-associated AKI (MEnD-AKI) and the Kidney Precision Medicine Project (KPMP).
Mitra Nadim, MD, FASN
Mitra Nadim is an Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine in the Division of Nephrology and Hypertension at the University of Southern California. She completed her medical school at UCLA, Internal Medicine Residencey at the Beth Israel Hospital in Boston and Nephrology Fellowship at Brigham and Women’s / Massachusetts General Hospital joint program. She is the the renal system chair for the Year 2 Medical School curriculum at Keck School of Medicine and the Director of USC’s Hypertension Center.
Javier Neyra, MD, MS
Dr. Neyra is Associate Professor of Medicine and Director of the Critical Care Nephrology Program at the University of Kentucky. Dr. Neyra is a nephrologist and clinical scientist with interest in acute kidney injury, CRRT, critical care nephrology, and quality assurance systems. Dr. Neyra is currently funded by the National Institute of Health and extramural investigator-initiated grants.
Vandana Niyyar, Dr.
Vandana Dua Niyyar is Professor of Medicine in the Division of Nephrology and Eminent Physician at Emory University. Dr. Niyyar’s clinical interests center on kidney failure, with specific expertise in dealing with hemodialysis vascular access and renal ultrasonography. She currently serves as President of the American Society of Diagnostic and Interventional Nephrology (ASDIN). She is passionate about promoting multidisciplinary collaboration in research and education in the field of vascular access; with the ultimate goal of optimizing access care and processes for dialysis patients. Dr. Niyyar enjoys teaching and has taught numerous didactic presentations and hands-on training workshops regionally, nationally, and internationally. Dr. Niyyar has been recognized for her exemplary clinical and service achievements through various awards including ASDIN Distinguished Service Award, Emory Nanette Wenger Service Award, American Society of Nephrology Mid-Career Distinguished Clinical Service Award, American Nephrologists of Indian Origin Clinical Excellence Award and Emory DOM Outstanding Quality Achievement Award.
Eisei Noiri, MD, PhD, FASN
National Center Biobank Network (NCBN)
Director General of GAPFREE4 project in AMED
National Center for Global Health and Medicine (NCGM)
The University of Tokyo
Tokyo, JAPAN
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Eisei Noiri, MD, PhD, FASN
Eisei NOIRI graduated from Hamamatsu University School of Medicine (HUSM) and received PhD at The University of Tokyo under Prof. Kiyoshi Kurokawa. He spent three years in SUNY Stony Brook and BNL under Prof. Michael Goligorsky. He is one of the chief researchers in Division of Nephrology and head of Department of Hemodialysis and Apheresis in The University of Tokyo Hospital. His research interests are broad from basic sciences in AKI pathophysiology, clinical applicability of biomarkers, epidemiology of CRRT, theoretical consideration to CRRT and apheresis therapy, and more. Since 2019, he appointed as the director general of National Center Biobank Network (NCBN) in Japan. NCBN is responsible for supervising the biobanks attached to six national centers (NCs) in Japan. Currently, the coorporative project between NCs and Pharama, namely GAPFREE4, is running under the support of AMED. He is responsible for coordinating research on target diseases that multiple Japanese pharmaceutical companies are jointly hoping to develop, and is promoting the task of sharing the results in a database after performing multiple OMICS analyses based on biobank resources and prospective patient sample collection.
Christian Nusshag, MD
Attending & Clinican Scientist, Department of Nephrology
Heidelberg University Hospital
Im Neuenheimer Feld 162
69120 Heidelberg
Heidelberg, Ba GERMANY
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Christian Nusshag, MD
Christian Nusshag currently works as an attending physician and research group leader at Heidelberg University Hospital. Christian conducts research in the fields of intensive care medicine, acute kidney injury, biomarker development, organ replacement therapy and transplantation medicine.
Mark Okusa, MD
Mark D. Okusa, MD, FASN, is a graduate of George Washington University and Medical College of Virginia (MCV). He pursued residency training at the MCV/Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) and nephrology training at Yale University. He was elected Alpha Omega Alpha, MCV/VCU. He is the John C. Buchanan Distinguished Professor of Medicine, Chief, Division of Nephrology and Director, Center for Immunity, Inflammation and Regenerative Medicine at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA. Through his contributions as PI on an NIH T32, U2C/TL1 and R25 he has promoted the career development of students, postdoctoral trainees and junior faculty. His NIH-funded research focuses on preclinical studies identifying novel targets for AKI and CKD using genetic models of kidney injury. He has published over 200 original manuscripts and book chapters. He has served on advisory committees and study sections for the NIH, ASN, AHA, and NKF and as Chair of the Program Committee of the ASN (2011). Dr. Okusa previously was the Associate Editor of Nephron Physiology, and KI and as well as member of the editorial boards of the AJP: Renal, AJN and JASN. Dr. Okusa has been listed in Castle Connally’s America’s Top Doctors (2001-2021). Dr. Okusa is a member of the American Clinical and Climatological Association, Association of American Physicians and was President of the American Society of Nephrology in 2018.
Marlies Ostermann, PhD
Professor Ostermann is a Consultant in Critical Care & Nephrology at Guy�s & St Thomas� Foundation Trust, London.
After medical school in Goettingen (Germany), she did her postgraduate training in London and Canada. She holds a PhD degree from the University of Goettingen, an MD degree from the University of London and a postgraduate Diploma in Medical Education.
She is an active member of the European Society of Intensive Care Society, Renal Association and Intensive Care Society UK. Her research interests include acute kidney injury in critically ill, all aspects related to renal replacement therapy and extracorporeal organ support.
Peter Pickkers, MD, PhD
Peter Pickkers is an internist-intensivist and professor of Experimental Intensive Care Medicine. His research focuses on (pharmacological) modulation of the innate immune response, sepsis and organ dysfunction, especially the kidney.
Katie Plomaritas, BSN, RN
Katie Plomaritas has been the Clinical Care Coordinator and Program Manager for pediatric CRRT and TPE at C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital in Ann Arbor Michigan for the last decade. Katie has clinical experience in pediatric critical care, pediatric dialysis, and pediatric critical care nephrology. Katie's interests include tandem extracorporeal therapies, blood purification devices, and nursing education.
Vedran Premuzic, M.D., Ph.D.
Dr Vedran Premuzic is Head of the Department of Dialysis at University Hospital Center in Zagreb. He graduated in 2007 from the University of Zagreb, Medical School, and pursued his specialisation in Nephrology, from 2010 to 2014, and his PhD title in 2016 from the School of Medicine, University of Zagreb. He is the President of the Croatian Society for Organ Support and member of the ISN Eastern and Central Europe Regional Board .
John Prowle, MA, MD, FFICM, FRCP
Dr Prowle is a Clinical Reader in Critical Care Nephrology within the Critical Care and Perioperative Medicine Research Group at Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry, Queen Mary University of London and is an Honorary Consultant Physician in Intensive Care Medicine and Nephrology at the Royal London Hospital, Barts Health NHS Trust, London, UK. He graduated in medicine from the University of Cambridge in 1999 and undertook Doctoral Research under the supervision of Prof Rinaldo Bellomo in Melbourne, Australia leading to the award of his research doctorate in 2013. Dr Prowle’s academic interests include the Pathogenesis, Diagnosis and Treatment and Outcomes of Acute Kidney Injury, Continuous Renal Replacement Therapies in the ICU, Fluid Therapy and Medical Complications of Major Surgery. Since 2009 he has co-authored over 160 peer-reviewed publications and book chapters, including chapters related to Acute Kidney Injury in the latest editions of the Oxford Textbook of Clinical Nephrology and the Oxford Textbook of Critical Care.
Heather Przybyl, DNP, RN, ACCNS-AG
Pheonix, AZ USA
Heather Przybyl, DNP, RN, ACCNS-AG
Thiago Reis, MD
Active research in hemodialysis membranes and blood purification (continuous hemodiafiltration, hemoadsorption, plasmapheresis, extracorporeal carbon dioxide removal, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, and albumin dialysis for liver failure).
Nephrology consultant in Nephrointensivism, Interventional Nephrology, Maintenance Hemodialysis, Peritoneal Dialysis, and Kidney Transplantation.
Investigator and trialist in chronic kidney disease.
Oleksa Rewa, MD MSc.
Dr. Oleksa Rewa is an intensivist, clinician scientist and associate professor in the Department of Critical Care Medicine at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. He completed his medical school and internal medicine residency in Kingston, Ontario, followed by his critical care fellowship in Toronto, Ontario. He is currently the associate chair for research and innovation in the Department of Critical Care Medicine in Edmonton, Alberta. His research interests include critical care nephrology, with a particular focus on quality measures in acute dialysis for critical ill patients.
Harin Rhee, MD., PhD.
Harin Rhee, M.D., Ph.D., is an Associate Professor at the Pusan National University Hospital and in Busan, South Korea. She received her medical degree from the Pusan National University. She completed Internal Medicine residency and Nephrology fellowship training at the Pusan National University Hospital. She joined the faculty at Pusan National University Hospital in 2015. She received post-doctorate research fellow training at the University of California, San Diego from 2019 to 2020. Her research interests include acute kidney injury and continuous renal replacement therapy.
Thomas Rimmele, Pr
Prof. Thomas Rimmelé works at the Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine at Edouard Herriot Hospital, Lyon. He gained his medical degree in 2004, specialising in anaesthesiology and intensive care, from the Claude Bernard University, Lyon, and subsequently completed a PhD on extracorporeal blood purification therapies in sepsis. Prof. Rimmelé is the author or co-author of approximately 245 peer-reviewed papers. In addition to blood purification for sepsis, Prof. Rimmelé’s academic interests include Acute Kidney Injury, Renal replacement therapy in the intensive care unit, and simulation in healthcare as he is also the director of the simulation center at Lyon University.
Claudio Ronco, MD
Actual Position:
Dr. Claudio Ronco
Department of Nephrology
St. Bortolo Hospital
Viale Rodolfi 16
I-36100 Vicenza
Name: Claudio Ronco
Date of birth: July 12, 1951
Education: High School Diploma at Vicenza Classic Lyceum A.Pigafetta in 1970 with the score: 45/60. Dr. Ronco Graduated in Medicine at University of Padua in 1976 with the score 110/110 and merit debating an experimental thesis on title Aspects of the Nitrogen metabolism in the nephrotic syndrome.
From 1973 to 1976 has been intern at Institute of Clinical Internal Medicine I^ of the University of Padua, directed by Prof. E. Fiaschi, in the Nephrology Department II, under the supervision of the Prof. G. Maschio.
Postgraduate training: From July 1976 to November 1977 he has been internal resident at the Division of Internal Medicine of the St. Bortolo Hospital in Vicenza, directed by Prof. D. Cor.
In 1979 he has achieved the Specialization Diploma on Medical Nephrology at The postgraduate school of internal medicine of the University of Padua, with the score 70/70 debating a thesis on the new methodologies for the measurement of the urinary bicarbonate
In 1989 he has achieved the Diploma of Specialization in Pediatric Nephrology at University of Naples.
1982: Visiting Fellow at the Mount Sinai Hospital in New York, Department of Internal medicine, Nephrology Division, for four months. He carried out studies on hemofiltration and glomerular filtration with J.P. Bosh, S. Glabman and M. Levitt.
1984: Visiting Physician at the Mount Sinai Hospital In New York for two weeks and at VA Hospital in Los Angeles for two weeks.
1985: Visiting professor at the Nephrology Division of the George Washington University Hospital, Washington DC, and NIH at National Naval Medical Center of Bethesda for three months.
1988: Visiting professor at the Renal and Hypertension Division of George Washington University for three months.
1991: Visiting Professor at the Renal and Hypertension Division of George Washington University for three months.
1995: Visiting Professor at the Renal and Hypertension Division of George Washington University for three months.
Teaching acitivity and Academic Qualifications: From 1978 to 1984 he has been in charge of the teaching program of Nephrology and Dialysis at Professional Nursing School in Vicenza.
During the academic years 1989-01 he has been in charge of teaching Dialytic therapy at Specialization School in Medical Nephrology of Padua University where he holds a post of Professor of Nephrology in charge of the teaching program concerning Hemodialysis and renal replacement therapies in critically ill patients.
October 1999-December 2000: Professor of Medicine at Albert Einstein College of Medicine and Director of the Renal laboratory at the Beth israel Medical Center in New York.
In the last ten years Professor Ronco was asked to deliver lectures and seminars in several Universities.
He has delivered in meetings and seminars more than 300 lectures and presentations.
In 1982 he introduced in Italy the use of continuous hemofiltration and in 1986 he published the first series of neonates treated with arteriovenous hemofiltration.
In 1985 He contributed to the introduction in Europe of high flux dialysis and derived therapies. He also established the dangerous effect of backfiltration in a contaminated dialysis fluid condition.
He has conducted a series of clinical and experimental researches in the following fields:
- Kinetics of fluid and solute removal in peritoneal dialysis and hemodialysis
- Treatment of Acute renal failure with intermittent and continuous therapies
- Renal replacement therapy in the neonate
- Development of new treatment modalities for acute and chronic renal failure.
- Studies on biomaterials
- Studies on glomerular filtration in humans and renal functional reserve
- Renal physiology in pregnancy
- Hydraulics and flow dynamics in the extracorporeal circulation
- Adequacy of dialysis
- Acid-Base Balance in uremia and dialysis
- Acute renal failure and Critical Care Nephrology
Professional employement and Hospital appointments:
Assistant of clinical nephrology from 1977 to 1984 at Nephrology Division in St. Bortolo Hospital, Vicenza, Italy.
Associate of clinical nephrology from 1984 at Department of Nephrology , St. Bortolo Hospital, Vicenza, Italy.
From 1984 he is director of the hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis center of the Department of Nephrology at St. Bortolo Hospital, Vicenza, Italy.
From October 25, 1999 to December 1st 2000 Dr. Ronco has been Director of the research laboratory of Hemodialysis at the Beth Israel Medical center of New York and Visiting Professor of Medicine at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine of new York
Today Dr. Ronco is director of the Nephrology Division in St. Bortolo Hospital, Vicenza, Italy.
Board certification: In 1989 he has achieved in Rome, the National License for Nephrology Chair and Directional Functions, with the score 94/100.
Professional Society Membership: He is mamber of the council of several scientific societies and he is editor in chief of the international journal of artificial organs and contributions to nephrology.
Awards and honors:
1983 Schwartz Award, for the best paper of the year at St. Bortolo Hospital.
1984 G.F. Volpato Grant for the best research project on acute renal failure in Italy
1989 Best paper Prize at the Italian Society of nephrology meeting.
1991 ESAO RESEARCH AWARD for the best paper presented at the European Society for Artificial Organs.
1996 Arturo Borsatti Award of Padova University as a best nephrologist of the year.
2004 Lifetime achievement award
Other professional activities: He has organized several congresses and meetings in the area of nephrology and Intensive care from 1982 to today.
He is member of several advisory groups for clinical trials and dialysis research.
Lectures and publications: Dr. Ronco has coauthored 560 papers, 36 book chapters, 26 books, 7 monographic journal issues and has delivered more than 300 lectures in international meetings and universities. His personal impact factor calculated at december 2002 is 391.
Mitchell Rosner, MD
Dr. Rosner is currently the Henry B. Mulholland Professor of Medicine at the University of Virginia School of Medicine as well as the Chairman of the Department of Medicine. Dr. Rosner serves on the executive committee of training program directors for the American Society of Nephrology. His research interests include: sodium and water metabolism and acute kidney injury. He is a fellow of the American Society of Nephrology and a fellow of the American College of Physicians
Joseph Rutkowski, Assoc Prof
Associate Professor of Medical Physiology
Texas A&M University School of Medicine
Director, Division of Lymphatic Biology
Texas A&M University Cardiovascular Research Institute
Bryan, TX USA
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Joseph Rutkowski, Assoc Prof
Dr. Rutkowski’s research seeks to identify how lymphatic vessel biology and physiology impact chronic diseases such as obesity, lipedema, hypertension, and kidney disease. His laboratory's recent efforts have been focus on how lymphatic biology impacts the AKI-to-CKD transition. He has authored or co-authored over 70 peer-reviewed manuscripts combining for over 7000 citations and has received external research funding from the National Institutes of Health and American Heart Association. Dr. Rutkowski’s work has been invited for presentations at numerous universities and international scientific meetings and he is a strong presence in the lymphatic research community. Dr. Rutkowski enjoys mentoring postdoctoral scholars, graduate students, medical students, and undergraduates and is actively engaged in multiple societies, journal boards, and scientific committees.
Amber Sanchez, MD
Amber P. Sanchez received her M.D. with AOA distinction from the University of Texas Medical School at Houston. Her residency, chief residency, and fellowship were completed at the University of California San Diego (UCSD) where she has been on the faculty since 2010. Dr. Sanchez is board certified in Internal Medicine and Nephrology and has a special interest in therapeutic apheresis and glomerulonephritis. She has served as the Associate Medical Director for the UCSD Therapeutic Apheresis Program since 2010. She is the co-creator and course director for UCSD's Essentials and Advances in Apheresis Therapies conference that is held in San Diego annually.
Ivonne Schulman, Dr.
Senior Scientific Advisor for Acute Renal Failure and Renal Pathophysiology
Program Director, Translational and Clinical Studies of Acute Kidney Injury
Division of Kidney, Urologic & Hematologic Diseases
Bethesda, MD USA
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Ivonne Schulman, Dr.
Dr. Ivonne H. Schulman received her medical degree from the University of Miami (UM) Miller School of Medicine. She completed her Internal Medicine residency and Nephrology clinical and research fellowships at UM/Jackson Memorial Hospital and Veterans Affairs Medical Center and joined the UM School of Medicine and VA Medical Center as Assistant Professor in 2004. In addition to working as a clinical nephrologist and hypertension specialist and supervising residents and fellows, she is a physician-scientist with expertise in cardiovascular and renal molecular biology, stem cell culture techniques, and the design and implementation of cell-based therapy preclinical studies and phase I/II clinical protocols and investigational new drug applications for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, chronic kidney disease, and frailty. She was Professor of Clinical Medicine at the UM Miller School of Medicine until September 2019, at which time she joined the Division of Kidney, Urologic and Hematologic Diseases at the National Institute of Diabetes, Digestive and Kidney Diseases as Senior Scientific Advisor for Acute Renal Failure and Renal Pathophysiology and Program Director, Translational and Clinical Studies of Acute Kidney Injury (AKI). Her responsibilities include overseeing and managing research portfolios associated with developing novel diagnostic and therapeutic strategies as well as research on the natural history of AKI, including studies on risk and outcome stratification, for early stages and progression to chronic kidney disease. She also contributes to the scientific and programmatic management of single site and multi-institutional studies of AKI, as well as epidemiology and health equity in kidney diseases.
Nick Selby, MD
Centre for Kidney Research and Innovation
Division of Medical Sciences and Graduate Entry Medicine
University of Nottingham
Derby, DE UK
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Nick Selby, MD
Professor Selby studied medicine at the University of Nottingham, UK, graduating in 1998, and was appointed a full-time NHS consultant nephrologist at the Royal Derby Hospital in 2009. In 2015 he was appointed Associate Professor of Nephrology at the University of Nottingham, based in the Centre for Kidney Research and Innovation (www.nottingham.ac.uk/research/groups/renal; Twitter:@CKRIresearch), Royal Derby Hospital Postgraduate Medical School; in March 2020 he was awarded a personal chair.
Prof. Selby is a clinical academic with primary interests in Acute Kidney Injury (AKI), Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of the kidney and the haemodynamic consequences of dialysis. He led the development of one of the first e-alert systems for AKI in the UK and is CI on several investigator-instigated studies in these areas including AFiRM and MOSAICC. Prof Selby has been awarded peer-reviewed grant funding from NIHR, MRC, the Health Foundation, Kidney Research UK and British Renal Society, and has published over 100 peer-reviewed articles. Prof Selby has several national and international AKI roles, including immediate past chair of the AKI Clinical Study Group and UK Renal Imaging Network that sit within the UK Kidney Research Consortium and the ERA-EDTA Nephrology and Public Policy Committee for AKI. He is currently clinical lead for the Department of Renal Medicine at University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Foundation Trust.
David Selewski, MD
Director, Pediatric Acute Kidney Care Program
Pediatric Nephrology
Medical University of South Carolina
Charleston , SC USA
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David Selewski, MD
David Selewski, MD, MS completed his pediatric residency in 2008 and pediatric nephrology fellowship at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan in 2011. After completing his fellowship training he went on to receive a Masters in Clinical Research Design and Statistical Analysis at the University of Michigan in 2013. After 8 years on staff at the University of Michigan C.S Mott Children’s hospital as a pediatric nephrologist, he moved to Charleston, South Carolina to practice at the Medical University of South Carolina, where he now practices as a pediatric nephrologist. Dr. Selewski is currently the Director of the Pediatric Acute Kidney Care Program at the Medical University of South Carolina. His clinical and research interests include pediatric & neonatal critical care nephrology including pediatric & neonatal acute kidney injury, fluid overload, and continuous renal replacement therapy. My research focuses on critical care nephrology in neonates and pediatric patients. This work includes participation in multicenter research collaboratives focused on AKI in a variety of populations including the Neonatal Kidney Collaborative (NKC), Kidney Interventions During Membrane Oxygenation (KIDMO) study group, Worldwide Exploration of Renal Replacement Outcomes Collaboration in Kidney Diseases (We-Rock) study group, and the Neonatal and Pediatric Heart and Renal Outcomes Network (NEPHRON) study group. Dr. Selewski currently sits on the steering committee for the NKC, KIDMO study group, WE-ROCK study group and the NEPHRON study.
Andrew Shaw, MB, FRCA, FRCPC
Dr Shaw is Chairman, Department of Intensive Care and Resuscitation at The Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio. He is a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, a Fellow of the Royal College of Anaesthetists (UK), a Fellow of the American College of Critical Care Medicine and a Fellow of the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine (UK). He also holds a Master’s Degree in Healthcare Management from Vanderbilt University. He has practiced cardiothoracic anesthesiology and critical care medicine for more than 25 years in the UK, USA and Canada, and has authored 4 textbooks and more than 225 original publications, with an h-index of 73. His clinical practice is cardiothoracic, surgical intensive care and perioperative medicine. His translational research interests include biomarker discovery in acute illness and injury. His clinical research interests include observational and pragmatic interventional trials of candidate interventions to prevent and treat adverse outcomes following cardiac surgery, in particular the role of intravenous fluid therapy in acute kidney injury. His research has been funded by the National Institutes of Health, the US Department of Defense, private philanthropy and by industry. He is the President of the Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists and a founder Director of the Peri Operative Quality Initiative.
Prabhleen Singh, MD
Dr. Singh is an Associate Professor of Medicine in the Division of Nephrology-Hypertension at the University of California San Diego and VA San Diego Healthcare system. She received her MBBS degree from Nagpur University, India and subsequently completed residency and nephrology fellowship training at the University of Alabama, Birmingham and University of California, San Diego (UCSD). She joined the faculty at UCSD in 2009 and has been supported by a NIH R01 and VA Merit Research Awards.
Her research interest is focused on elucidating the key renal hemodynamic and metabolic adaptations including mitochondrial function at the onset of acute kidney injury and chronic kidney disease which play a key role in the pathophysiology of disease progression. Well-established physiological techniques, such as renal micropuncture, which offers the opportunity to study single nephron function in an intact kidney and in-vivo whole-kidney oxygen consumption and metabolic assessment in isolated tubules, are utilized in experimental models to answer clinically relevant questions. Clinical interests include ICU nephrology and acute kidney injury.
Danielle Soranno, MD
Associate Professor, Pediatrics & Bioengineering
Indiana University School of Medicine
Pediatric Nephrology, Riley Hospital for Children
United States
Indianapolis, IN USA
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Danielle Soranno, MD
Dr. Soranno is an Associate Professor in the Departments of Pediatrics and Bioengineering at Indiana University School of Medicine. She is a pediatric nephrologist at Riley Hospital for Children and is a physician scientist. Her lab specializes in rodent models of acute kidney injury (AKI) and investigates the long-term renal and systemic outcomes and the role of sex as a biological variable in AKI. The Soranno lab also performs renal bioengineering research investigating the use of injectable hydrogels to abate the progression from acute-to-chronic kidney disease.
Nattachai Srisawat, MD, PhD
Current position
- Director of Excellence Center for Critical Care Nephrology, King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital, Thai Red Cross, Bangkok, Thailand
- Division of Nephrology, Department of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
- Collaborating CRISMA faculty member Department of Critical Care Medicine, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, USA
My background:
After finishing Nephrology training from Thailand in 2007, He became the part of CRISMA research fellow for 2 years and clinical fellow of Critical Care Medicine for 1 year under mentorship by Professor John A Kellum at Department of Critical Care Medicine, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pennsylvania, USA. He received European Diploma of Intensive Care Medicine in 2012. His main research focused in AKI epidemiology in resource limited setting, novel biomarkers of AKI, and tropical infections causing AKI such as leptospirosis, and dengue infection.
Pedro Teixeira, MD
I am an Associate Professor in the Department of Internal Medicine at the University of New Mexico (UNM). I am also the medical co-director of a local Dialysis Clinic Inc. (DCI) hemodialysis unit. I serve as the director of acute dialysis and continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) at UNM Hospital and the program director of the Nephrology fellowship. My academic interests lie in all areas of overlap between critical care and nephrology, centering on the realm of acute kidney injury (AKI). I have developed a research program at UNM consisting of over a dozen investigator-initiated research studies and industry-supported multicenter trials focused on diagnostics and therapeutics for AKI, acute RRT, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, hepatorenal syndrome, COVID-19, acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), and septic shock.
Ashita Tolwani, MD
Dr. Ashita Tolwani is Professor of Medicine at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) and holder of the Edwin A. Rutsky Endowed Chair in Nephrology. She holds a Master’s of Science in Clinical Epidemiology from the Harvard School of Public Health. She is Co-Director of Section of Critical Care Nephrology at UAB. Dr. Tolwani is the founder and Director of UAB Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy (CRRT) Academy where she oversees every aspect of the program including development, organization and implementation of the curriculum. She also conducts CRRT training workshops internationally. Her dedication and quality has resulted in her receiving numerous institutional teaching awards. In 2020, she was honored with the American Society of Nephrology (ASN), Robert G. Narins Award (Lifetime Teaching Award in Education). Her research interests include acute kidney injury, ICU nephrology, and CRRT, with a focus on citrate anticoagulation. She holds the patent for 0.5% Citrate solution for CRRT which is available worldwide as Regiocit or Prismocitrate 18/0.
Volker Vallon, MD
Dr. Vallon is Professor of Medicine and Pharmacology at UCSD and a principal investigator at the VA San Diego Healthcare System. He received his M.D. from the University of Tuebingen, Germany, in 1992, and research training at the University of Tuebingen, UCSD, and the NIH. He joined the faculty at the University of Tuebingen in 1998, and at UCSD in 2003. His group has characterized the roles played by a variety of channels, transporters, receptors and signaling molecules in the physiology, pathophysiology, and pharmacology of the kidney. He aims to integrate aspects of vascular, glomerular and tubular function to gain a more complete understanding of the physiology and pharmacology of the kidney as well as the pathophysiology of acute kidney injury, arterial hypertension and the diabetic kidney.
Anitha Vijayan, MD
Dr. Anitha Vijayan is Professor of Medicine and Medical Director for Acute Dialysis Services at Intermountain Health Kidney Services in Salt Lake City. Prior to her joining IMH in Oct 2023, she was Professor of Medicine at Washington University in St. Louis, MO. Her clinical expertise and research have been primarily dedicated to improving outcomes in patients with acute kidney injury. She is the Chair of the ASN AKINOW Recovery Workgroup and Co-Chair of ASN guidance committee on the care of the AKI-D in the outpatient setting.
Gianluca Villa, Prof
Associate Professor, Department of Health Science, Section of Anesthesiology, Intensive Care and Pain Medicine. University of Florence
Florence, It ITALY
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Gianluca Villa, Prof
Professor Villa holds the position of Associate Professor in Anaesthesiology, Intensive Care, and Pain Medicine at the University of Florence, and Anaesthesiologist at Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Careggi, Florence, Italy. His expertise spans perioperative medicine, anesthesia, intensive care, and pain management, with a particular focus on oncological care. He also serves as the medical director and safety coordinator for the Clinical Trial Unit, overseeing pharmacological phase 1 clinical studies. Additionally, he holds roles as the hospital representative for the local palliative care coordinating center, and as the Director of the Ethics Committee at his institution. Professor Villa holds Master's degrees in Biostatistics for Clinical Research and scientific reporting, and Computational Biomedicine, enhancing his ability to lead and evaluate complex clinical studies. Professor Villa is actively involved in research, with particular expertise in critical care nephrology and end-of-life care. He is the principal investigator for international studies on extracorporeal blood purification therapy in critically ill patients, including projects in multiple ICUs across the globe.
Ron Wald, MD
Ron Wald is a nephrologist at St. Michael's Hospital in Toronto where he also serves as the Medical Director of the hospital's Hemodialysis Program. He is a Professor of Medicine at the University of Toronto. His primary research interest is in critical care nephrology. He co-led the recently completed STARRT-AKI trial which evaluated the optimal timing of renal replacement therapy initiation in AKI. Ron's other interests are volume optimization in patients with AKI and the post-discharge care provided to AKI survivors.
Keith Wille, MD
Keith Wille, MD, MSPH is currently a Professor of Medicine at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB). Dr. Wille completed fellowship training in Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine at UAB and joined the faculty in 2000. His clinical interests are in critical care medicine, extracorporeal support technologies, cardiothoracic transplantation, and AKI related to these fields. He received an MSPH degree in clinical epidemiology from the UAB School of Public Health in 2013 and an MSHQS degree in Healthcare Quality and Safety in 2022. He is Medical Director of the UAB Adult ECMO and Advanced Lung Diseases Programs.
Vincent Wu, MD, PhD
Vin-Cent actively involved in the analysis of a database of acute kidney injury in the National Taiwan University Study Group on Acute Renal Failure (NSARF) and Consortium for Acute Kidney Injury and Renal Diseases (CAKs) strive to advance high-quality care in acute kidney injury (AKI) and aspires to plunge the worldwide increasing prevalence of chronic kidney disease (CKD) from the perspective of AKI-CKD transition.
Lenar Yessayan, MD, MS
Dr. Yessayan is a Professor of Medicine at the University of Michigan. He is the Medical Director of the Acute Dialysis Program and CRRT at the University of Michigan. He received his bachelor of science in biology and his medical degree from the American University of Beirut in Lebanon. He received his Master of Science in Clinical Research Design and Data Analysis from the University of Michigan in 2013. Dr. Yessayan completed his Internal Medicine Residency and Nephrology and Critical Care Fellowships at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit, Michigan, USA. His research interests lie in the fields of acute kidney injury, hemodynamic monitoring, medical device therapies to treat systemic inflammatory conditions and development of effluent sensing technologies for real time monitoring of solutes during extracorporeal therapies
Alex Zarbock, MD
Dr. Zarbock is a Clinician Scientist and the Director and Chair of the Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine, at the University of Münster, Germany. He acquired training at the University of Münster (Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine). Dr. Zarbock is supported by the German Research Foundation. His research interests span various aspects of Critical Care Medicine, but center in critical care nephrology (renal replacement therapy), sepsis and organ protection. Dr. Zarbock’s current projects include measures to avoid acute kidney injury after surgery and the timing of renal replacement therapy in critically ill patients with acute kidney injury. He is also author and co-author of over 240 scientific articles and book chapters.
Abolfazl Zarjou, MD, PhD
I am an Assistant Professor at the Department of Medicine, Division of Nephrology. I am an active physician-scientist with research interests focused on the heme-iron metabolism/ferritin system in the context of acute kidney injury and CKD associated cardiovascular diseases. My research is currently supported by a K08 award to decipher the potential causal relationship between iron metabolism derangements during advanced CKD and vascular calcification. My research has been recognized for excellence by multiple societies including first place winner of southern society of clinical investigations, young investigator's forum (2012), first place winner of National kidney foundation (2017), ASCI’s 2020 Young Physician-Scientist Award.
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